May God Have Mercy On Your Poor Souls

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Dipper looked down at his desk. School was so booooooooooring. He wanted to be in Gravity Falls, looking for monsters. Pacifica would probably come along, they would make out, and all that stuff. He looked down at his phone, at the picture of them on his phone. He smiled. In a few long months, he would be back in Gravity Falls. He decided to text a quick message to Pacifica. "School sucks" He texted. Not to long later, she sent a message "IKR". Suddenly, someone ripped the phone out of his hands. It was Ryan. Ryan laughed and looked at the text message, before talking.

"So little Dipshit has a girlfriend." Dipper's face darkened.

"Yes. What does it matter, give me my phone back." Ryan smirked.

"No. I think I'm going to keep it. Maybe text some rude things to your girlfriend." Dipper looked stunned, before laughing.

"Go ahead, text Pacifica, I doubt she'll think it's me." Ryan frowned.

"Pacifica? What kind of name is that? The only Pacifica I've heard of is that Northwest girl."

"I don't care what you think of her name." Ryan started texting.

'Hey babe, I'm gunna break up wit u, it just isnt working.

Pacifica texted back.

'Ok, Dipper spells better than that. He also wouldn't break up with me over text. He also uses commas, and has never called me babe. So who stole the phone now? I've had Garret, Tim, KeKe, and Bob so far'

Ryan looked shocked as he slammed the phone back down on Dipper's desk.

"Whatever. I bet she isn't that hot anyways."

Dipper laughed. He knew that Ryan was a huge Pacifica Northwest fan. Of course he thought she was hot, but he didn't know that.

"Ok Ryan. If you wanna think that, sure." The Dipper showed him some pictures of him and Pacifica. Ryan's jaw dropped.

"There is no damn way you are dating Pacifica Northwest!" Dipper smirked.

"Those are obviously photoshopped. No fucking way." Ryan ripped the phone out of his hand and yelled.

"Hey guys! Dipshit thinks he's dating Pacifica Northwest!" Dipper jumped up and reached for his phone. Ryan pulled it away again and showed it to all the boys who started laughing and making fun of Dipper. Dipper turned red and started sputtering.

"Wha-, rea-, wh-, uh, ahhhhhhhh!" Dipper stormed out the door. Mabel walked into Dipper on her way into the classroom. She saw the boys laughing, and saw that they had Dipper's phone. She immediately grabbed the phone from Ryan.

"What the hell is wrong with you Ryan!" Ryan laughed.

"Just exposing your stupid brother. He said he was dating Pacifica Northwest of all people!" Laughter erupted again.

"But he is dating her!" A boy named Greg stepped forward.

"Yeah right Mabel. Just give up on your brother. He's a hopeless case." Mabel glared at Greg. Then she got an idea.

"Alright, fine. Believe what you want, but I promise you, you will be Sorry you made fun of my brother." Mabel walked away.


Dipper walked into Mabel's room and saw her talking on her phone. She must of just finished her conversation because she said "Ok, see you Monday" and hung up.

"Who were you talking to?" Mabel turned around and smiled.

"You'll see in a few days."

"Mabel, just tell me."

"No. Not happening." She ran out the door.

"Mabel, get back here!"


Dipper got to school on Monday. He figured whoever this person was that Mabel was seeing on Monday was going to be after school. She rarely met people before school. Dipper shrugged it off. He went into another day of school, prepared for the bullying.

Hour 1: Math. Dipper did the math, helped teach the students, all that stuff. Greg took his hat and made him chase him for it, until the teacher finally yelled at Greg to give Dipper the hat back.

Hour 2: Study Hall. Dipper was bullied into doing Ryan's homework, and he couldn't tell the principal, because he was Ryan's father.

Hour 3: Gym. They were playing football, and the boys used that as an excuse to hit him extra hard.

Hour 4: Science. Even the teacher started making fun of Dipper and his birthmark. Dipper just pulled his book up closer to his face.

Hour 5: History. He was left alone this hour, because the teacher, Mr. Ritter, defended him. He was easily Dipper's favorite teacher.

Hour 6: Language Arts. He got yelled at by the teacher for being late, because he was being bullied in the hallway.

Dipper walked out of sixth hour exhausted and ready to go home. He still had one class left though. As he was was about to walk into French class, he stopped, because there was a group of people by the doorway. Then everyone started laughing. He was trying to figure out why everyone was standing in one spot, when he heard someone speak.

"This stupid nerd in our class says he's your boyfriend. The dude is nuts. Someone like you wouldn't ever date him." Dipper finally saw who everyone was talking to. It was Pacifica.

"I already got a boyfriend anyways." Everyone laughed.

"Why are you here anyways?" Someone asked.

"He actually goes here, so I was coming to see him

"What's his name?"

"Dipper Pines." Everyone stopped talking, while a smirk threatened to grace Pacifica's lips. Dipper shoved past everybody to get to Pacifica. Pacifica's eyes lighted up at the sight of him.

"Pacifica, what are you doing here?!" Pacifica frowned.

"Aren't you happy to see me?" Pacifica put on her sad face.

"Of course! But why are you here? Don't you have school today?" Pacifica's expression turned angry.

"Mabel told me everything." Pacifica turned to the group of people surrounding her. "They have told me how much they admire you." She smirked devilishly. Dipper started to see where this was going.

"So you haven't chewed them, out yet?" Dipper asked.

"I was just waiting for you." Pacifica knew Dipper would want to see this.

"May God have mercy on you poor souls." Dipper spoke with a slight sneer. Pacifica wheeled on the boys and started yelling.

"If you DARE pick on my boyfriend EVER AGAIN, I will be sure to embarrass your sorry asses on NATIONAL TV, AND on SOCIAL MEDIA! You have NO right to pick on him! Did he EVER do anything to deserve this?! NOW LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!!!

The men in his class were terrified. They never thought that a Northwest would yell at them. They all either nodded or whimpered 'yes'. Pacifica, apparently feeling much better, turned around and kissed Dipper.

"Ok, see you after school Dipper. Tomorrow you can show me around the school." Dippers jaw dropped.

"You're coming here?"

"Not yet, but I will be next year." Pacifica waves as she walked away.

Dipper sat through the last class of the day, smiling, as everyone whimpered in fear as they walked by him.

Sorry I can't update very often, I only have a few free hours every day. Hope you enjoyed anyways!

Also, Monsters Falls one is coming up. That one will be a few parts. Maybe a three or four shot.

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