Northwest Mansion Mystery: The Aftermath

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As the party died down, on the outside, Pacifica Northwest was smiling. On the inside though, she was scared. She knew she would have to face her father's wrath when the party ended. She didn't understand why her father was this way. She saved the lives of many people. That wasn't all though. She saved the manor too. She couldn't believe that he would rather have the Northwest Manor burn, then let the townsfolk in. She realized that her father was a complete disaster of a parent. Her mother wasn't much better, but at least she didn't drink. When Preston Northwest drank, he got angry. He was an angry drunk, and he liked to take it out on his "excuse of" a daughter. Pacifica rubbed her side where her father hit her last week. She hoped he wasn't drunk when he yelled at her. But that was wishful thinking. She knew her father was drunk. He always was. As the last party member left, Pacifica walked up to her father, and prepared to face his wrath. Preston looked at Pacifica, and then smiled. He started laughing hysterically, before shoving her down the stairs they were currently standing on. He threw a backpack at her and spoke

"Get the fuck out of my house. You have 5 minutes before I throw you out. Put whatever you can in that backpack then GET OUT!" Preston roared.

Pacifica refused to cry as she walked pasted her father and into her 4 poster bedroom to get her stuff. She had no time to cry. She had to move. She put in some clothes, mostly her more casual ones, some shoes, a hat, and some granola bars. She slowly got up, and left the room, walking downstairs. Preston was nowhere to be found, but Priscilla was standing at the door, waiting. Priscilla didn't look worried at all. In fact, she looked happy to get rid of her child. Probably because she had associated herself with "filth". Just before she left, she yelled.

"Fuck you and your bell Preston Northwest, I'm never coming back here again!" then she ran out the door, tears flooding her eyes.

She ran through the deserted town, never stopping once to look back. She soon enough found herself in the woods. She realized she was lost. With no idea what to do, she sat down on a log and cried. She had no idea how to survive on her own. The only food she had was granola bars. Of course. She had to grab her least favorite food of all. She couldn't of at least grabbed a food she liked. Great. She stopped crying and realized she was still wearing her dress from the party. She didn't care, because she was too damn tired. She fell asleep on the ground, momentarily forgetting about her problems, because she dreamed of her crush. Dipper Pines. No matter what she said, Pacifica always thought he was pretty good looking. She started to like him a bit after the mini-golf tournament. He went by the philosophy that anyone that his sister did not like, he did not like. She thought he was noble because of this. Her dreams all contained Dipper, weirdly enough. She had dreamed of nothing else for the last month. She suddenly woke with a start. She realized it was morning. She looked around to make sure no one was watching, before taking her dress off. Then she realized something as she was getting dressed. She forgot her bras.

"Great. Now I don't have and bras to wear." Then she realized no one was there. She sighed, before putting on a purple shirt with a white llama on it. She was at least glad she would get to wear this shirt. Her parents didn't like it, and tried to make her get rid of it, but she kept it. She put on a some black shorts, and pulled her hair into a ponytail. Though she was dirty, she liked the new look. She smiled, before going back to the log to eat the cursed granola bars, only to realize they were gone. She suddenly went on high alert, and started seeing some movement in the bushes.

"H-Hey, what do y-you want? J-Just leave me alone. You can keep the stupid granola bars. P-Please?"
Suddenly a tiny little man jumped out of the bush, with granola crumbs all over his face. Pacifica squeaked when she saw him. He stared up at her, sizing her up. Then he smiled.

"Hey boys, the person who had the tasty human food would make a perfect queen."

Suddenly, more of then appeared, and Pacifica was speechless. The men all seemed to agree with the first little man. Pacifica spoke.

"Who or What are you?"

The first little man spoke.

"We are Gnomes. My name is Jeff and we are going to make you our queen. Gnomes are all males, so we need a female human to make our children, so we crown queens. We have chosen you now to carry our babies. Pacifica gasped.

"N-No! I'm only twelve, I'm too young for that."

The gnomes frowned at her answer. Jeff spoke.

"Well, I guess we'll have to force you too."
The gnomes surrounded Pacifica, and she couldn't move. They had latched themselves to her, and despite being small, they were heavy. They started to slowly crawl up her body, and she was getting grossed out, because they kept drooling, and one of them kept screaming "SCHMEBULOCK." Jeff stabbed her leg with a needle. That's when she blacked out.

Pacifica woke up with a boy looking at her with concern. His face flooded with relief when she woke up. Her view was still hazy, so she couldn't tell where she was or who he is. The boy spoke.

"It's a good thing I found you when I did. The gnomes are crazy, and will do anything to get a new queen. I'm guessing you don't know why you blacked out though." Pacifica shook her head no. " Well the gnome known as Jeff injected you with a mild sedative. Once you were out he tried to...." he trailed off. He cleared his voice and continued. "Pull your pants down." Pacifica turned a bright shade of pink, thinking about that. The boy quickly added "But it's ok, I stopped them before they could do anything to you." As the fuzziness slowly went away, the boy looked more familiar to Pacifica.

"I feel like I've seen you somewhere" she stated. The boy laughed.

"I'm Dipper Pines, nice to meet you."

Pacifica's eyes widened. This whole time Dipper had been taking care of him. The fuzziness was now completely gone, and she could see that the boy had been crying. Why though? Pacifica asked herself. "Are you ok? It looks like you've been crying."

The boy gave her a soft smile. "I'm ok, I just had a friend of mine die recently." Pacifica's eyes widened. Dipper picked up a newspaper and showed the top headline.

Pacifica Elise Northwest Dies Of Heart Attack

Pacifica really wasn't surprised that my parents would do that. They really never cared about her. But this would explain why Dipper didn't know who she was. He thought Pacifica was dead. If she wanted to, she could tell Dipper that she was Pacifica, and she could probably expose her parents and get them arrested. But another thought struck her mind.

Maybe you could introduce yourself as someone else, and maybe get a shot with Dipper. Just let everyone think you're dead, and you might have a second shot at life.

Pacifica thought this over. She would be lying to Dipper. But she knew she didn't stand a chance with Dipper as Pacifica. She stood up and hugged Dipper.

"I'm sorry for your loss Dipper." Dipper looked shocked at this action, but hugged her back and responded with a simple  "thanks". Pacifica then released him and spoke.

"By the way, my name is Paz Mason. It's nice to officially meet you."

Don't judge I am terrible with coming up with names, but I don't want to steal names from other fanfics

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