A Chance

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Pacifica Northwest was scared. Her fiancé came home drunk again. He was abusive when he was drunk, much like her father. This time, he brought a girl with him too. She wondered what happened to the charming gentleman that she had had fallen in love with. She had dated him for ten years. But it meant nothing to him. There was no one left she could trust in Kinky, Montana. She wrote a letter and left it on the table, along with her ring. The letter was simple, it said: Screw you Austin, I hate you. She left the house never to come back. She needed to go to a place where she felt at home.

Gravity Falls

Mason Pines was lovesick. He had been for the last ten years. The person who he fell in love with after Wendy just HAD to be Pacifica Northwest. He had lost contact with her 3 years ago, 2 years before she got proposed to by that bum Austin. Austin Ottoman had a rich father, so Pacifica's parents approved of the relationship. But they didn't approve of ANY sort of contact with the Pines. So they forced her to cut off contact with them. He hadn't seen her in person in 5 years. He missed her laugh, her jokes, her cute pouty face, her personality, really, all of her. Even her (probably fake) blonde hair.

Mason sighed as he ate his pine tree shaped pancakes. It was Pines-week in Gravity Falls, made to celebrate the Pines family and their defeat of Bill Cipher in Weirdmageddon 12 years ago. When this week came around, Mason always started thinking about Pacifica. Suddenly, a red head who was wearing a black sweater with an axe on it, sat down to the right of him.

"Hey Wendy."

"What's wrong Mason."

"Nothing much, just that this week always makes me think about her."

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry for bothering you now that you've entered the lovesick faze." Wendy rolled her eyes.

"Wendy, I get it, I need to move on, but it's not exactly easy. You've been lucky, having people fawn over you, but I'm not exactly 'hot stuff'" Mason stated, putting air quotes around hot stuff.

"Look I get it, but she's probably never coming back to this town."

"I know Wendy. I just need some space."

"Alright, I'll give you some time."

"Thanks for the talk anyways Wendy."

"No problem Mason."

With that she walked away, leaving Mason even deeper in his thoughts.


As she entered Gravity Falls, Pacifica Northwest noticed streamers and balloons everywhere, along random merchandise stands along the road. She then remembered it was Pines-Week. She smiled, thinking maybe she could see Stan Pines, the Pines with 6 fingers, Waddles, Mabel, and........
Pacifica stopped thinking. She didn't want to think about him. She had always really liked him. He was the most wonderful person she had ever met, but her parents pushed her to marry Austin, despite her not really liking him. He was an ok person at times, but she didn't like him when he was drunk, and he was always drunk. Dipper on the other hand was kind, hilarious, nerdy, and, though she hated to admit, handsome. He never touched a drink in his life. Well, as far as she knew, at least. She hadn't seen him in 3 years. She sighed and told the taxi driver to drop her off here. She left him a huge tip for driving her all the way from Salem. She looked up to see Greasy's Diner. She smiled, remembering the last time she was here. There was a huge food fight. Pacifica actually took part, throwing an ice cream sundae at an 18 year old Dipper. Dipper wasn't very happy about that, so he covered her in his nachos. Then she frowned remembering something else. That was the last time she ever saw Dipper.

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