Monster Falls: Weirdmaggedon 1

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Ford was teaching Dipper how to shoot a plasma gun, when they heard a shattering noise. Ford's face instantly went dark. He opened up his pack and pulled out the rift. It had a giant crack in it.

"Dipper, we need to fix this, NOW!"

"What do we do Ford?"

"We need to find a special alien adhesive that can fix anything."

"And how do we get an alien adhesive when we are on earth?" Ford laughed.

"Come here Dipper, let me show you something." They walked to the top of the hill they were on.

"Dipper, have you ever looked closely at the crack in the mountains?"


"Well, look closely. Can you tell me what shape the hole is in?" Dipper squinted. Then, Ford dropped a UFO keychain in front of him. Dipper gasped.

"Yep. Millions of years ago, aliens landed in this town. They made a secret base, where they kept all of their stuff." He gestured to a metal door in a tree.

"Holy, Fucking, Cow." Ford laughed.

"Alright, should I go first?"


Note: I'm just going to skip this next part. It's the exact same thing that happens in the episode. Dipper is offered the apprenticeship and he says yes. Mabel hears this and doesn't mind. The only difference is that she finds out Dipper is dating Pacifica. Let's skip to the part where Kill and Mabel meet.

"I-I just want Dipper and Pacifica to stop dating. I hate her."

"Well, I can change that sweetheart, all I need is one little thing. It's this globe thing with blue stuff inside of it." He showed her a hologram of it.

"I wonder if Dipper has anything like that in his nerd bag." She reaches in and pulled out the rift. "Is this it?"

"Yes! Now hand it over!"

"No Mabel! Don't give it to him!" It was Dipper, Ford, and Pacifica.

"Why Dipper? You keep dating Pacifica, and you leave me to rot! How would you feel, losing your sibling to a snobby rich girl?"

"Mabel, you have no right to choose who I like! If you give that rift to Kill, it will cause the end of the world!"

"Mabel, listen to Dipper. He knows-"

"Shut up Pacifica! I'm giving the rift to him!" She took the rift and threw it at Kill. He caught it, and let out a demonic laugh. Then, he dropped the rift, and stomped on it for good measure. The sky ripped wide open, the gravity went haywire, and people started screaming.

"Shooting Star, you fool! I can't meddle with love! But, I can do this." He snapped his fingers, and Mabel went into a huge bubble with her shooting star logo on it.

"Well, I guess this means that my deal with Preston is done now too. That means that you get your human bodies back. I can use this to my advantage!" He snapped his fingers, and pain shot through them. Dipper felt his back end shrink, his antlers snap off, and his ears change shape. He fell on the ground writhing in pain. He noticed the same happening to Pacifica, Ford, and surprisingly, Kill. The other two were changing back into humans, but Kill turned into a triangular figure. He got up, and helped Pacifica and Ford up. Then, they heard cackling.

"I may have lost my human form, but I will be sure to get that back later. Anyways, see you later Pine Tree, Llama, and Sixer." He floated up into the sky, and flew away.

"Ouch...." Pacifica groaned. "I don't remember how to walk."

"Oh right, you had no legs for years. I figured you would be able to walk right away." Pacifica shot Dipper a look, obviously detecting his sarcasm.

"I'm just saying Dipper. You don't have to be rude." Dipper's face softened.

"Sorry Pacifica, I just-just......." he tailed off.

"It's fine. I understand. But I need you to assist me wherever we are going." Ford finally spoke up for the first time.

"The Mystery Shack. Me and Dipper set up the protection from the weirdness." Dipper nodded, and he picked up Pacifica, despite her screeching. He and Ford ran back to the shack, as the weirdness started to enter the world.

I know, short chapter. I was grounded, and now I'm suffering from writer's block. If you have any ideas for the second weirdmaggedon, please let me know. I only have written a small amount of that chapter. So, anyways, I'll try to get it out as soon as possible, but I can't promise anything.

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