Why Can't Love be Simple

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        Dipper Pines looked at the ceiling of his bedroom that he shared with his sister, Mabel.

"Ugh!" Dipper exclaimed. "Why can't I stop thinking about her!" Dipper rolled over in bed. He couldn't get Pacifica out of his mind. Ever since the ghost incident at her parents mansion 3 years ago, he though of nothing else but her. She turned out to be kind and funny, and had a lot of the same interests as Dipper. Not to mention, she was the most beautiful girl that Dipper had ever met. He had seen her in a new light for the first time when they hunted the ghost. But a lot had changed since then. Pacifica had moved to Piedmont when her parents sold the mansion, and since they didn't have the money for a private tutor anymore, she went to the same school as them. They had become good friends though, and he was determined not to lose that.

"Why can't 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 be simple?" He thought.

Meanwhile, Pacifica Northwest rolled over in her bed, thinking about how the next day of school was going to go. She had decided to tell Dipper how she felt about him. She laid up at night, thinking about him. She didn't know what attracted her to him at first. He was sweaty, nerdy, and overall, wasn't the best looking kid in her grade. But something pulled her towards him. Maybe it was his stupid hat. Maybe it was his cute birthmark. Maybe it was his great personality. But whatever it is, she liked him, a lot. Puberty had hit him nicely too, a nice addition to an already great person. His head didn't look so big anymore, he wasn't fat, yet wasn't buff. He was strong, but not too strong.He had also gotten quite tall, around 6'3, and even was a starter on the school basketball team. It was still way too easy to get lost in his chocolate brown eyes. It didn't look like he had a mullet anymore, as he cut his hair more often. He didn't wear anything to try to impress anyone, normally just a sweater over a T-shirt, with sweatpants or shorts, along with his signature pine tree hat. Pacifica shook the thought of Dipper out of her head. She didn't want to start squealing in the middle of the night. Her parents would freak.

"Why can't Love be simple?" Pacifica thought.


The next morning Dipper woke up with a start. Lately, he had to wake up early, because Mabel and been feeding him Mabel juice when he was sleeping. He didn't need the extra caffeine, and the days this happened he would be literally shaking in his seat. Mabel thought it was funny. Dipper did not. Dipper went downstairs to eat breakfast, when his sister Mabel handed him a plate of pancakes. Just as he was about to thank her, he looked down at the pancakes and saw that the whipped cream spelled something

I heard you talking last night

"Shit." Dipper thought.

He looked up to see Mabel giving her signature smile. Dipper sighed.

"This doesn't leave the house Mabel, do you hear me?"

"Awwww, but I wanted to have some fun."

"No Mabel. I don't want to ruin our friendship. Besides, I don't want things to become weird between us."

"Fine, but at least you're over Wendy."

Mabel stomped away. Dipper knew he couldn't always trust Mabel. She didn't have a filter, and let some secrets out of the bag, such as Candy's crush on Dipper. Candy had moved though, all the way to Houston. Dipper sighed. This was going to be a long day.

Meanwhile, at the Northwest House, Pacifica was freaking out.

"What will I say? What if he doesn't think of me that way? What if he hates me after this? What if-."
Priscilla Northwest couldn't help but laugh. Her daughter was extremely nervous about telling Dipper how she felt. She knew how Pacifica felt, because she had once felt that way about a boy, but never told him, because she ended up in an arranged marriage with Preston. Preston was ok. He had really mellowed out in the last few years. He wasn't so rude, and stopped using that damned bell that even Priscilla had started to hate.

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