Monster Falls Part 1

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Oh no.

This couldn't be real.

Stan Pines' niece and nephew were at the Mystery Shack's door. He hadn't seen them since they were children. But that was before the curse. And now they were cursed too. They knocked on the door. What were they going to do when they saw him as a Gargoyle? He sighed and grabbed his taser. He knew they would freak out when they saw him. He opened the door, and as expected, the 15 year olds started to scream. He tased them. He grabbed their limp bodies, and pulled them into the house. He pulled them into a room and locked the door. When they came to their senses, they freaked out again.

"Calm down, calm down. I'm not going to hurt you." The twins stopped screaming.

"Who are you?" the boy asked, clearly frightened.

" I'm your Uncle Stan." They looked shocked.

"B-But you're not....." the boy trailed off.

"Human?" He nodded.

" It's a long story. I actually am human. But the whole town has been turned into monsters." He looked up at them.
"Anyone who enters this town turns into a monster." Their jaws dropped. "We can't leave the town either. Only the bus driver can leave, as long as he doesn't pass a certain point. So now you're stuck here too."

"But-" the female tried to speak, but was cut off by Stan.

"I TOLD them not to send their children here! Damnit!" He punched the wall, leave a mark in it.

"So why haven't we turned into monsters yet?" The female asked.

"You will. It happens when you sleep. And you can't stay awake forever kids. You need to sleep at some point." The kids nodded sadly.

"This is so much to take in." The boy said. Stan looked at him and sighed.

"Let's start with names. I'm Stan. Stanle-I mean Stanford Pines. You probably don't remember me. I haven't seen you in ages. You're names are Mason and Mabel, right?"

"Yeah, but just call me Dipper."

"Oh yeah, the weird birthmark. Ok Dipper, if that's what you prefer."

He led them upstairs to their room.

"This is where you sleep." They slowly nodded. They unpacked their things quickly. After they finished, they just sort of stared at Stan. He didn't blame them, this was really weird. Mabel followed him downstairs.

"Do you know what we are going to change into?" Mabel asked, curiously.

"No, but I don know it hurts a whole lot." Mabel cringed when he said that.

"Like a lot a lot?" Stan hesitated before saying anything.

"I'm not gonna lie to you honey. Yes. A lot a lot." Mabel looked like she was gonna cry.

"I'll be right here sweetie." Mabel smiled.

"Alright, now go to sleep. Here are some painkillers. Give some to Dipper too. I'm not saying you won't feel any pain. You will still feel it. But I think you can get through it. I will come check on you guys later, Ok?"

"Ok Grunkle Stan."


"That's what we call our uncles."

"Ok kid, now get some sleep."


Pacifica Northwest slithered along the floor of her bedroom. She had seen some people enter Gravity Falls today, and she knew that they would be in pain tonight. She sighed, as she remembered the excruciating pain she went through when the curse first started. She doesn't remember having legs. It had been 13 years since she had them. When she was two, and the curse went through, she got the back end of a snake, just below her torso, and her hair turned into a bunch of tiny snakes that could make anybody do anything she wanted. But she had no friends. Though her family was rich, she was an outcast, mostly because she was still acted snotty for her parents, though she hated it. She got into her bed, and turned the lights out.



Stan heard the screaming and ran up to the twins room to see Dipper looking down at his legs. He didnt have human ones anymore. Now, he had the body of a deer. Stan looked over to Mabel, only to see she was a mermaid.

"Dipper, your sister is a mermaid!" Dipper looked at a very blue looking Mabel. She was also a mermaid. Stan pulled a squirt bottle out of his jacket. He sprayed Mable a few times, before she came back into consciousness. Then he picked her up and carried her into the bathtub. He turned the water on and filled the bathtub.

"Well this is going to be a problem. I don't know how we are going to get you around." Mabel finally noticed she was a mermaid.

"I'm a mermaid? I'm a mermaid!" Mabel was excited.

"Trust me honey, this isn't a good thing. It's a curse. You can't exactly do things you are supposed to do. Like walk." Mabel's happy mood faded. Stan was brainstorming up ways to move her around. Then he got an idea. He went to the attic to retrieve and old device his brother had made years ago. It was a platform that move when the person riding it pushed some buttons on a remote. He could also give Mabel a water bottle to squirt herself with every now and then. Mermaids didn't actually breathe water, but their lungs dried out fast without some water. Their organs worked in weird ways. He came back to the bathroom to see Dipper flexing his deer legs. Stan sighed, and told Dipper to go into town and get some food. They were running out. He handed Dipper some money and shoved him out the door, then taught Mabel how to use the contraption. When Dipper got out the door, he realized he wasn't wearing a shirt. He tried to get back in, but Stan locked the door. From inside, he heard Stan say something to him.

"You can't put a shirt over those antlers anyways."


As Dipper was walking through the town, he saw some normal, and some weird, transformations. Some of the the more natural looking ones included centaurs, vampires, and mermaids. But their were some really bad ones too.
They included half-frog half-human, half-pig half-human, and 1/3 rat, 1/3 donkey, and 1/3 human. He shuddered as the latter walked passed him on the street. He finally found the grocery store, bought some food, and started to head back. Then a thought struck him. He decided to take a detour through the woods, to see if he met anymore mutated people.

No Dipcifica yet, but there will be in the next chapter. There will be five parts, three based on an episode(s)
1&2: none
3:Golf Wars
4:Northwest Mansion Mystery

That's all for now! Thanks for reading!

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