Monster Falls: The Golf War

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Dipper and Pacifica were hanging out around town. Pacifica had asked Dipper to go shopping with her, and Dipper had obliged. Now, they were sitting in a movie theater, talking as the credits rolled.

"What about when that one guy got his face torn to shreds?" Pacifica snorted.

"That was funny, but I think the funniest part of the movie was when the duck beat up the ugly one." Dipper agreed.
Dipper's phone started ringing suddenly. He looked at the caller ID. It was Mabel. He picked it up.

"Mabel, what's up?" Dipper asked.

"Dipper! There was an ad on tv for the mini-golf course! We should go today!" Dipper looked at the time. It was only 4:35.

"Well, I'd love to come Mabel, but right now-"

"Great! See you there!" Mabel hung up. Dipper sighed.

"Pacifica, do you want to come to the mini-golf course? I don't think Mabel is giving me a choice. Although, I don't know how she is going to play. I think she learned to stand up on her tail, but she's still wobbly."

"Sure Dipper, I'd love to." She was giving him a weird look. "Besides, I'm the queen of mini-golf." Dipper laughed.

"Well, So is Mabel. You're gonna have a tough match."


Mabel was waiting for Dipper at the mini-golf course, when a blonde half-snake half-human girl walked up to her.

"Pacifica!" She smiled and waved, but Mabel did not. She scowled.

"What are you doing here!" She was not happy to see her. Pacifica took a step back, cautious of Mabel.

"N-Nothing! I'll just g-go." Pacifica turned around to walk away, but Dipper, who had just appeared touched her shoulder gently to stop her.

"Mabel, Pacifica and me were hanging out when you called. I'm not just going to ditch her to hang out with you. So she decided to come along." Mabel looked horrified.

"You're dating Pacifica?!" Mabel sputtered. Dipper and Pacifica turned very red. Pacifica spoke first.

"Mabel, i-it's n-not like t-that." Dipper finally pulled it together.

"We're friends Mabel." Mabel still looked horrified.

"Dipper, she is the one who payed off McGucket to win the singing trophy. The one who's parents are extremely rich. Can you please tell me WHY THE HELL YOU ARE FRIENDS?!?!?!"

"I-I'm Sorry Mabel, m-my parents-"

"FUCK YOUR PARENTS PACIFICA! WE'RE TALKING ABOUT YOU!" Dipper went over and grabbed Mabel by the hood of her sweater. As it usually does, it calmed her down.

"Better Mabel?"

"Better. But I still don't like her, and I never will." Pacifica hung her head in shame. Dipper went over and comforted her.

"It's ok Pacifica. I know you didn't mean that stuff." Pacifica gave him a sad smile. Soos, who had been with Mabel the whole time, finally spoke up.

"We gonna play now dudes?"


Mabel was trash talking Pacifica the whole time. Meanwhile, Pacifica got some of her bravado back. She was trash talking Mabel right back. They were so competitive, that they didn't notice Dipper was catching up on the score card. He was only two points behind Mabel on the last hole. Both of them struggled, while Dipper got it in one shot, Mabel in 4, Pacifica in 5. They ran up to Soos after the last hole.

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