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Sals POV

Gah, I can't stop thinking about her, that look on her face, when I called her a bitch. She hates me now, there's no way she couldn't. I just, gah! I can't keep thinking like this, I- I'll let her get into my head I'll let her close and then I'll lose her. From now on I can't love her starting now I won't think about her.

"It's no use." I said out loud to no one.

First day of school and I started it out by hurting y/n both physically and emotionally. Damn it! I was supposed to stop thinking about her.

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" I was screaming now, luckily it was pretty early and not many people were up. I can't stop thinking about her, this is bad.


I hadn't gotten up since Sal pushed me, I'd just sat there staining at the door he left through. Then I heard the elevator ding. The doors slid open and I jumped up. It was Larry.

"I told you not to wait. Wait why were you on the ground."

"Oh," I thought of a lie, "Sal accidentally ran into me, he was in a bit of a rush."

"Y/n, you're lying, you pulling your ear when you lie."

I noticed I was pulling on my ear, so I stopped. "I do that when I'm nervous too, I'm just nervous for school to start up again."

"All right I'm not going to press you, but you know you can tell me, you can trust me."

"I know Larry, thanks."

And we left for the first day of school

~~ time skip~~

At long last the bell for lunch rang. I'm so done with school already. I was getting my stuff when I heard two all too familiar voices

"No one likes a suck up Saaaaally face!"

"No one likes a cliché bully Traaaaavis!"

I heard a slap, then I turned the corner I saw Ashley, Larry, and of course Sal.
"What happened?" I asked.

"Oh just Travis," Ashley said as she examined Sal, "there no more blood."

"Thanks," he said to Ashley, only then did he seem to notice me, "god, can you leave us alone, why are you so clingy?"

"Whoa dude, she's our friend , don't talk to her like that." Larry said looking very put off.

"Whatever, she doesn't need to be here though, all she does is take up space!"

"Dude not cool!" Ash was now also very pissed.

"She's like, completely useless," Sal went on, "you really can't do anything useful can you" he directed the last part to me.

"NO!" Larry and Ash reaches out to stop him, but they didn't make it and Sal punches me straight in the face nocking me over. I felt my head hit the ground and then blackness started closing in.
~~ time skip~~
when I came too Larry was carrying me.
"Larry, where are we going?"

"Back to the apartments, I'm really sorry."

"Why, you didn't do anything?"

"I couldn't stop him."

He walked in silence for a bit. Thought we're rushing through my head, I thought I liked him, I let myself fall for him. I thought he liked me. Thoughts of him kept circling, just making me miserable. I need to block him out, I need to get him out!

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" I screamed shocking Larry.

"What's wrong y/n?" He asked seemingly upset.

"I can't stop thinking about Sal, you know I liked him, I really thought I did, I almost thought he liked me. All of these thoughts just keep, keep circling and it's driving me crazy!"

"How about we go to my apartment and play some video games, will that take your mind off him?"


"Then lets hurry up so you can stop thinking!" He smiled so kindly, we had dated once, but I thought of him as more as a friend. He said he agreed so we stoped but remained the best of friends. I'm so lucky to have a friend like Larry.

Larry's POV

I smiled at her, her beautiful face. I hated Sal so much right now. One he had just hurt my friend, and two I had liked y/n ever since I met her in kindergarten. So when she told me she liked him I was upset, I acted happy for her sake. When Sal told me his plan, I agreed to try to warn her to stay away from him. I thought maybe I could get with y/n again. We dated once in sixth grade, when she told me she really just saw me as a friend, I was heart broken. But I told her 'yeah I kind felt, you know, more comfortable just being friends.' I was totally fine with just being near her, just seeing her face. When Sal hit her, I got so pissed, if looks could kill Sal would be laying in the school hallway dead. When he made eye contact with me, he looked so sad because he liked her, but when he saw how I was looking at him, his eyes filled with fear. I kept glaring at him until he'd backed away a good 100 feet and around the corner. Then I noticed Ash was holding me back, keeping me from going after him. I relaxed and she loosened her grip. Sal went way to damn far with that 'plan' of his.

A/n wow nine views that's a lot for me, I think I'll try to update every Friday. But tada drama, Sal punched you and we found out about Larry's secret. Also I'm constantly updating my chapters, nothing plot changing just making every sentence the best it can be so if you want, you can go back and read a better version of the same story,

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