Guitar Lesson

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"So what did you want me to come over for?"

"I wanted to teach you something."


"How to play the guitar."

"Oh no Sally, I'm going to burst your eardrums, you don't want to do this."

"Yes I do, come sit down." He patted a spot on the bed beside him.

Once I sat down he got up and grabbed his guitar from the corner of his room. Then he grabbed a pick from his bed stand.

"Are you ready?"

"No, absolutely not."

"That's great, ok so put your fingers here..."

We spent the next fifteen minutes trying to teach me how to play twinkle twinkle. Eventually, Sally fave up and flopped on the floor.

"Your hopeless."

"That's not very nice!"

"Sometimes the truth isn't sweetheart."

"Hmph." I crossed my arms in defeat.

"Are you hungry?"

"Kinda. OOH! We should get the gang together and go to the mall!"

"The new one that just opened downtown?"

"Yeah that one!" I said as I grabbed my flip phone and called Ash.

"Sal go get Lar."

"As you wish." He got up and left the room.



I chuckled.


"Oh, Ash! Do you want to come to the mall with Lar, Sal, and I?"

"Of course! What about todd?"

"He's hanging out with Neil today."

"Ok, I'll meet you there in half."

"You better be!"

"Says ms. Always late!"

"Oh my god, I'm late to Saturday hang once and this is what I get."

"Yeppers, bye!"

"Bye Ash!"

I hung up, I should go to my room and get some nicer clothes on.


Ok, so what to wear. I looked at the clothes set out in front of me. A blue crop top with jeans. My usual purple shirt and black ripped jeans. Or a Sanity's Fall shirt Larry got me for my birthday. I chose the SF outfit and started walking, I lived downtown so it wasn't to far a walk. The rest of the gang however, is going to have a problem. Speaking of problems I'm glad Travis is finally shutting up about Sally and Todd and Neil. Anyone could tell it was a show for his dad, he dropped the act at graduation. Travis came up to us and apologised, then walked away. It was the saddest shit ever. Anyway, better start walking.


I was wearing one of sals sweaters and blue jeans. I put my hair up into its usual ponytail (if you have short hair I'm sorry.) and walked back into the lobby.

"Yn! Ready to hit the mall?"

"Yeah, are we taking the bus?"

"Unless one of us mysteriously got a car yep."

"Is Larry coming?"

"He has to clean his room first, he said he'll meet up with us later."

"Ok, Ash said she'll be there in, twenty minutes now, we should head out."

"Mk, I love you."

"I know."

"What?! No i love you back? I'm hurt Yn!"

"Get over it you big baby."

"Words hurt Yn!"

"I know I'm sorry."

I gave him a hug and he gave me a kiss on the head.

"Race you to the bus stop."

Sal dropped me and ran off.

"Sally Face! That's not fair get back here!"

And I ran after him.

IM SO FUCKING SORRY! I had like no motivation but I'm here now so please forgive me!!!


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