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Rey had been gone for almost two weeks and Kylo felt more vulnerable than ever. He couldn't connect the dots. Why was he so drawn to her? There was no reason for him to be. He barely knew her- or at least, that's what he told himself. He knew nothing about her, or her family. He knew only her voice. The voice that encircled his mind, calling his name. His real name. Ben. She used it so often, he had almost become attached to it again. He liked the way it sounded when she said it. Not when anybody else did. Just her. The sound of it caressed her voice perfectly, creating a smooth sound he wanted to be his own again. He missed not only that, but, her high pitched giggles that he would hear fluttering in the air whenever she knocked him down during their saber training. He was sat on his bed, holding his mask in his frozen hands. Something in him had changed.

He wanted life. Something he could hold in his hands, beside his helmet or his lightsaber. Without a single change in his demeanour, he threw the helmet across the room, hoping it would vanish. He slowly brought his fingers together, watching as the force crushed it into a ball only an inch thick, then let it drop to the floor. The thought of him returning to the light filled him with anxiety that turned his stomach, filling it with burning acid. If Luke had tried to kill him before he killed his father, what would his mother do to him now? 

A knock on the door interrupted him, dragging him from his thought. 

"What?" he asked, empty.

"General Hux has requested your assistance," 

He looked at his lightsaber, the conflict in him growing as he tried to bury it, "very well."


"Absolutely not," Poe said, piling stacks of heavy boxes filled with ammunition. 

"I need to go back,"

"I'm not about to put you in that kind of danger. My guilt would kill me if Finn didn't find me first, let alone General Organa-"

"It's Jakku. I'm not asking you to take me to the first order, I just need to go home."

"You had no home. You was a scavenger, who could barely eat. What's so great about Jakku? Why would you go back?"

"I left something of great importance," she said, getting frustrated.

"Okay. Now look me in the eyes and say that," he said, leaning against the stack.

Rey sighed, "Poe... please," she said softly, looking into his eyes desperately. His eyes narrowed, and after a few seconds he slammed his fist on the box in anger, unsure of what to do. As he thought, he tried lifting the next box. Rey saw him struggling and used the force to pile the rest of the boxes how they were supposed to be, "I can handle myself," 

Poe was shocked. Rey had shown nobody but Ben her powers before- trying to keep them concealed, but she was truly desperate.

"How long will you need?" he asked, the look of doubt painted across his face.

"Three days. Maybe more," she said, relief lightening her shoulders.

"Take BB8," he said, regretfully.

"No, I'll be-"

"You need more time, he'll get the message to me," he said sternly, showing her that it wasn't up for debate.

She pulled him toward her, and wrapped her arms round his shoulders with a thankful grin.

"You better look after yourself, okay? I don't wanna see you get hurt," he said, not pulling away as he felt his heart fill with anxiety.

"I will," she said as he pulled her slightly tighter and rubbed circles on her back- something that always calmed her nerves when she was tense.

"I mean it Rey... be careful,"


Ben was stood with his hands gripping the table in front of him as he discussed their plan of attack with General Hux. 

"Am I distracting you from something?" Hux snapped at the absent minded man, "Or do you have somewhere more important to be during this war?" 

"Don't test me, Hux. You'll regret it," he snarled, without removing his eyes from the table.

Ben felt a wave of anxiety and panic wash over him from a foreign source and he heard muffled voices speaking in the distance.

"Back," he heard a familiar voice.

"Guilt--- Organa," Organa? Had something happened to her?

"Asking--- First Order--- home,"

"Scavenger---- Jakku," Ren walked round the room, trying to find the birthplace of this noise.

"Something---- importance---- Poe"


"Three----- maybe more,"

"BB8----- time---- message-- me,"

A great pain hit him in the chest like he'd been shot with an arrow drenched in venom. A pain of betrayal.

"Yourself---- hurt--- Rey."

And then the voices stopped. Peace surrounded him. Was she in danger? Had something happened to his mother? What was this 'Poe' going to do to her? To them... 

"Would you please listen?!" Hux shouted, "What in the galaxy has gotten into you?!" 

"Shh," Ren said, using the force to stop him from speaking as he investigated further. After a few minutes of looking around, he released him and he dropped to the floor.

"Have you gone mad?!" he screeched as his hand clung to his throat while he gasped for air.

"Ready my ship," he said, sharp as he walked out of the room.

If Jakku is where they were going, it was Jakku where he would find them.

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