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She was cold. Stone cold. Yet, still not as cold as her surroundings. A seemingly infinite silver abyss. Darkness; slowly engulfing her. A soft buzzing sound, muffling everything she heard. 

"Ben?" she asked quietly, hearing the word as it echoed so loud, it hurt her head. She tried to bring her hands to her ears, but the slightest movement caused a tsunami of dizziness to overcome her. 

Her neck was warm and her hair stuck to it, making her feel nauseous. The fight to keep her eyes open became harder with each second that passed.

In the distance, she could hear a muffled sound, too quiet to comrehend. She tried to run towards it, but failed miserably. The sound became a little louder, making her feel warm and secure. The louder it got, the less scared she felt and the stronger she became. It was now clear that the sound was a heart beat. Strong, but irregular. Like two overlapping, out of time. One was significantly louder than the other, thumping stronger every second, while the other was soft and quiet. Almost inaudible. But, pure. She desperatley wanted to find out where it was coming from.

Slowly, she moved forwards. Her body was allready upright, and seemed to be floating in the darkness. Her arm was reaching out towads the sound, until she came to a dark mirror, where she saw many versions of herself, standing single file, acting exactly as the others did. It was strange. She brought her hand to the mirror as it called to her, the pounding heartbeat getting louder and faster until-


As her finger touched her reflection, the sound slipped away, like a bittersweet memory she hoped she wouldn't forget.

"What?" She whispered, utterly confused. But what truly puzzled her was that the reflection didn't mirror her own movements. Instead, it glared into her eyes.

"Don't be frightened, little one," she said in a mocking tone, as she felt herself shrink. When she looked at herself, she saw the body of her childhood.

Determined to hide her fear, she shouted "what was the sound?" But, was faced with embarassment when he heard that her voice was as it once was in childhood.

"Your destiny," she said, turning with an open arm to show Rey a version of herself that she had never expected to be faced with. It was Rey, visably older than she was now, heavily pregnant, her hands caressing the bump, lovingly.

"If it's a boy, we'll name him Luke... if it's a girl, we'll name her Padmé," she grinned, as the unexpected entered the frame. Ben Solo, in his true form. He had scars she didn't recognise, including one that poked out of the shirt he was wearing, and continued a short way up his neck.

She took a scared, sharp breath in shock, "that's impossible," she noticed her voice and stature had returned to what it was.

"Two beat as one Rey," she said, looking into her eyes through the mirror, "Remember... two beat as one,"

"I don't understand-"

"You will. In time,"

"There has to be something else, you've made a mistake-"

"DO NOT CONDESEND TO ME!" The reflection boomed in a deep voice that reminded her of Kylo's when he got angry, "There is another pathway. Another plan for you. A picture, as solid as the one you have just witnessed," she said, her voice full of spite, turning her back to the girl, appaled by her ignorance, "a picture riddled with darkness!" She turned back around, showing an evil version of Rey that wielded a double ended lightsaber that glowed a flaming red. A dark grey cape was draped across he shouders, stained black at the bottom with the thick blood of the innocent. A tear fell down her cheek as she examined the fresh blood on her frozen hands. Ben Solo's lifeless body at her feet, not only killed but destroyed. Wripped apart like an animal, fresh lighsaber wounds covering his body. Her feet, slowly becoming consumed by the river of blood cascading onto the crisp white snow that surrounded her. The part that terrified Rey the most, was the rellishing smirk upon her lips and how her eyes examined every part of the man- or what was left of him.

"You'll try to save him," the girl said with a tone that displayed her certainty, pulling her hood down, as she stepped over the carcus and stood in front of her equal, staring into her eyes with an intimidating expression, "you've seen how it'll end,"

"How do I chose which path to take?" Rey asked, panicking. But the reflection ignored her plead.

"Two hearts beat as one, Rey. Make your choices with care," she grinned, clicking her blood ridden fingers, sending Rey flying backwards back into reality.

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