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Asia and Josh took Nicole to Jayla's house, since Jayla agreed to look after her for a couple hours.

"I'm sorry to hear about your dad", Jayla said as she tightly hugged Asia.

Asia slowly hugged back but now tight at all. She was silent. She pulled her away and gave her a fake slight smile. "Be back", she said, followed by a look at Nicole. "Be good".

Nicole looked at her and rolled her eyes.

Asia looked at her confused like I know she didn't . Asia shakes her head and ignores it for now and walks back to the car and gets in.

Josh looks Asia. "You positive you wanna go?"

Asia outbursts, "can you stop acting me that".

Josh looks at her like who tf she talking to.

Without looking at josh Asia let's out a sigh. "You know what, that was rude of me. I'm sorry".

Josh continues to look at her for a moment then stops and starts to drive.


As Asia looked at her dad's body, it reminded her of an Emmett Till photo, except not as bad. He had open wombs, bullet wombs to be exact. His body was kind of  burnt but not all the say. He had missing hand and She could barely bare to look at him. Josh put his arm around Asia and whispered in her ear. " how you feel?", he asked.

"I don't even know to be honest", Asia said as she continued to look at her father's body. "I'm just ready to go". Asia moved his arm and walked past him and Josh followed her.


Asia and Josh laid in the bed together. He was sound asleep and Asia was still up laying on her side staring at the wall, replaying the image of her father in her head. She began to get out the bed until she felt a hand grab her arm, followed by a sleepy deep sexy voice. "Where you going?", Josh asked.

"Bathroom", she answered.

After a few seconds josh let go of her arm. "Hurry up"

"Don't rush me", she said as she walked in the bathroom and ran the water.

Josh gets a call on the phone and answers it.


After Asia rinses her face she looks up in the mirror and looks around at the bathroom. 20.. she thought to herself. How? Asia thought. She couldn't figure out how a 20 year old could have shit so nice. Three high end cars, a nice as house, extra money to give out. How? Asia proceeded to rinse her face and turned the water off and heard Josh on the phone.

"I'll call you later...bye", he said.

Asia comes out the bathroom and sees josh placing his phone back on the nightstand.

"Who is that?", she asked.

"Nobody". He went back to his sleeping position.

"Josh don't fucking play with me! Who else would be calling you at 3 in the morning?"

"We'll talk about this later", he suggested.

"How about never", she said as she barged out the room.

Josh rolls his eyes and gets up and gets to Asia before she opened Nicole's door and grabs her arm and pulls her to his face so that they are eye to eye. "If I said nobody, it's fucking nobody. Get yo ass in the bed, I don't have time for this shit!", he yelled but not loud enough so that Nicole wouldn't hear.

Asia looked at him quiet. She was didn't know wether to be turned on or to slap him. Either way she was wet and wanted him so bad, but she ignored her urge.

"Get yo ass in the bed"

Asia jerked away from him. "I'm leaving in the morning, don't ever touch me like that again" Asia walked past him and went in the room.


That morning josh dropped Nicole off first to school and you off second.

Josh parks the car and leans in for a kiss, "see you later", he said as he poked his lips out.

Asia ignored him and got out the car and walked up to jayla , then followed Zay and one of his friends.

"Wassup Asia, where you been?", he asked.

"Living with her boo", Jayla said with a smile.

Zay looks at Josh's car and Josh looks at Zay. Josh couldn't stand Zay talking to Asia, let alone any other guy. Zay also couldn't stand Josh. Before Josh pulled off he put up a peace sign with a smirk. Zay shakes his head and looks at her arm. Last night Josh gripped her arm so hard that it left a light red mark. Zay look up at her.

Jayla was watching Zay the whole time and finally asks, "why are you starring at her like that".

"Nun", he said. "Come on bruh. Asia let's talk after school."

"Why", she asked with an attitude.

Zay glances at her arm while walking backwards and says, " you know why". He turns around with his back facing you and continues to walk with his friends.

Asia notices Jayla on her phone and looks down at her own arm and notices the small red print. And tries to cover it. "Let's to class", Asia said as they started to walk in the building.


HEY GUYS... Hope y'all are enjoying the story! Be sure to comment and vote. I'll be posting again soon!💜

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