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Mikey looks at Jayla's phone while she's in the shower and walks in the bathroom.

"Jayla who is this?", he asked.

"What?", she asked.

"A Current location from Georgia", he said.

Jayla stops the shower and grabs her towel and gets out of the shower. "What?", she asked.

"What if it's Asia", he said.

Jayla read the message. "Oh my gosh I gotta call Josh", she said.


Josh was laying in the room smoking. That's all he been doing lately because of his stress. Suddenly he gets a call from Isis.

"Hello?", he said.

"You called me. What's up?", she said.

"I wanna see my son Isis", he said.

"No", she said.

"Isis you know damn well I'll never put our son in danger", he said.

"Josh I don't wanna hear it. No means no. If I have to get a restraining order. I will", she said.

Josh didn't say anything.

"But how's Asia? Did she have the baby yet?", she asked.

"She's.. good", he said.

Josh didn't wanna tell Isis about Asia because he didn't wanna add that on top of not seeing his son.

"We had twins actually ", he said.

"Wow. Twins? That's crazy", she said. "No wonder you sound so tired"

"Yea...", he said.

Suddenly he gets a incoming call from Jayla hoping it was good news.

"Lemme call you back", he said before he hung up and answered Jayla's call.

"Yo?", he answered.

"I got a location. Get your ass up we're going to Georgia!", she demanded.

"You not going no damn where. You don't know what that muthafucka capable of!", Mikey said in the back ground.

"Nigga please", Jayla said to Mikey.

"Nah fr Jayla.. you don't need to go. I don't want you to get hurt.", he said.

"Fuck both of y'all. That's my fucking friend I'll do anything for her, period", she said.

"And she knows that. Which is why she texted you", he said. "Send me the location"

"Okay", Jayla says then hangs up.

Josh gets up and calls G.

"Hello", G said in a tired voice.

"Boy get the fuck up. We gotta go", he said.

"What? Where? What happened?", G questioned.

"Either we found Asia or trap", he said. "But I hope we just found her"

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