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Asia sat in a chair in her sister's hospital room who in now in a coma, all because of stuff she's still confused about at this very moment. She didn't know wether or not to be mad at somebody else or herself. She looked up at the ceiling, holding back her tears.

"I'm sorry mama, I didn't mean for this to happen.", she said as she looked up to her mom in heaven.

Suddenly Josh walks in the room and Asia stands up quickly. "I said no visitors, I told them to visitors", she said as she walk toward the door.

Josh grabs her arm and turns her to face him. "You and me both know I basically own this city"

Asia tried to jerk away from him but he was too strong so finally she stopped. "You lied to me, you told me you owned a business"

"But it is a business. I make money", he answered. "I didn't tell you because I wanted to protect you"

"Protect me? How", she asked. "I'd be more protected if I knew so I wouldn't even be with you. Let me go so you can talk to that hoe you was with tonight"

"Who?", Josh asked confused. He started to think and came to a realization of what she was talking about and let her go. "You followed me?"

Asia folded her arms because she liked the feeling that she thought she was right and nodded with a smirk.

"Idk who that girl was, but I went to that house make my rounds and get my money", he said.

Asia stopped smirking.

"That's what Trey what talking about. Say I killed his homeboy", she said nonchalant

"His name is Zay and ... well... did you??", she asked.

"He owed me money", he replied.

Asia stood there silent for a moment. She was used to killing. She new how people died everyday in gang violence in this city. But she still didn't know how to react to Josh. She didn't know if she should be scared of him or what.

"But back to the point. I didn't tell you who I really was... was well because I really like you Asia", he said as he reached for her hands.

Asia moved her hands away and looks away.

"Come on don't do that", he said disappointed. "I wanted to protect the relationship that we built together. Of course I wanted to tell you, but I didn't want you to have second thoughts about me".

Asia looks at him. "How do I know you aren't keeping anymore secrets from me? Listen Josh, I've been lied to before and I'm tired of it"

"Well, the only other thing you don't know is... I had your father killed", she said.

Asia always had a feeling that he did since that night because everything was so sudden but she didn't believe it was true.


"Because that's what you wanted.", he replied.

"Out of anger, Josh!!", she replied. "I didn't want to kill him for real!"

"You didn't have to cause I did", he said.

"But I asked you, you said no.",

"I didnt, somebody else did", he said.

Asia didn't want to talk anymore. She couldn't believe all this. The person she was starting to fall in love with was a killer.

Suddenly Jayla rushes in. "Oh my gosh", Jayla said as she looked at Nicole. "Poor baby" . She looks at Asia and hugs her tightly

"Thanks for coming", Asia said holding her tight.

"Of course", Jayla said as she pulled away and looks at josh.

"Hey, J", he said.

Jayla doesn't respond and walks to Nicole

Josh looks at Asia and Asia looks at Jayla. Asia told Jayla everything she found out tonight.

Josh looks at Asia, "just know that I love you"

Asia doesn't say anything. Boys have told her that all the time. Those words meant nothing to her

"I want you at my house tonight", Josh said.

"No", she said.

"I didn't ask"

Asia didn't say anything.

"Listen I didn't do nothing to you. So I would love to see you next to me tonight. I'll be back to pick you up", he said as walked out.

"You aren't going are you?", Jayla said.

Asia shrugs. "You got somewhere else for me to go?"

Jayla stood in silence.

Asia sat put her hands up and sat down with tears rolling down her eyes. "I don't know what to do", she said. "I know earlier I was going to leave but really I had nowhere to even go. I just did it because I was angry"

"But he cheated. Asia he lied to you", Jayla mentioned.

"He didn't cheat. I was wrong... he lied but I understand why", she said. "I lie, everybody does".

"He lied about who he was", Jayla reminded Asia. "Don't stay with him because you're scared of him"

"I'm not scared... listen.. relationships aren't always perfect. All people including you should know that", Asia said.

Jayla looked down remember how her boyfriend used to always cheat on her, their first year being together but she said because she loved him.

"You know what it sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I'm just saying you can't judge me cause I could've judged you", Asia said.

Jayla looks at Asia, "it's okay, maybe you're right"

Asia stood there not knowing if Jayla was being sarcastic or truthful.

"I guess it doesn't matter as long as he's treating you right", Jayla replies.

Asia thinks about all the good times that her and josh have together but also realizes but yet ignores his recent behavior, such as him grabbing her arm a little too tight.

"He does. He treats me better than any other guy ever has actually", Asia said.

"Well... that's all that matters"




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