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It was the next morning and Josh didn't sleep all night.

Asia put down their plates of eggs, sausage and pancakes.

"Blueberry pancakes. My favorite", he said.

Asia smiled and sits down and starts to eat.

Josh's eyes closes slowly and he jumps as he realizes he's sleeping asleep.

"Josh? I thought I told you to go to sleep?", she said.

"Yea", he said.

"Why didn't you?", she asked.

"I did. For a little bit", he said.

"Josh it's okay. I seriously just think that guy is a coincidence", she said.

"So explain your licenses", he said.

"I found my licenses in one of the pockets of my purse", she said.

Josh didn't say anything.

"After you eat, go to sleep? Okay?", she said. "I just think we over thought it, honestly", she said.

Josh shakes his head.

"Josh baby... it was a coincidence", she said. He looks fit and it looks like everybody jogs that park"

"Okay", he said after a long pause. "Maybe you right. Since everything happened I been like on my toes too much. Maybe I need to relax a little"

"Yes, please", she said with a smile.

Josh starts to eat.


A week later Jayla and Mikey decided to come up to Charlotte and visit.

"I haven't been here in so long", Jayla said.

"I haven't been here at all", Mikey said with a smile.

Jayla and Asia chuckle.

Josh walks down the stairs.

"Hey Jayla", Josh said.

"Hey Josh", Jayla said.

Josh looks at Mikey. "You must be Mikey", he said.

"And of course. I been to the wedding. You're josh.", he said as he dapped him up.

Josh and Mikey haven't formally met but they knew about each other.

"So what do you guys want to do?", Asia said.

Josh observes Mikey while Asia and Jayla talk.

"Well first I wanna get a tour of this beautiful house", Jayla said.

"Follow me, we can start upstairs." Asia said.

"Okay... you guys be good", Jayla said as she followed Asia upstairs.

"You look familiar", Josh said.

"Yea? You think so?", Mikey asked.

"Yea... ", josh said thinking. "You used to talk to Isis"

"Oh yea", Mikey said. "You know her?"

Josh nods. "I used to talk to mess with her from time to time"

"Yea bruh. You know she got pregnant. She don't even know who the dad it. Try to say it was mine. That's the first time me and Jayla broke up", Mikey said. "Took us like a month to get back together again, like a couple"

"Damn", Josh said. "She ain't say shit to me so I know it ain't mine"

"You got yourself out of a good one man. She a hoe", he said. "I mean like I don't know what she doing now since she got a kid and all. I know she don't live in Florida no more"

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