Part 3

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Harry's POV

I could feel the beads of sweat run down my back, I tried to lift up the half ton metal ladder to the building. I had worked out and lifted weights almost everyday since I had went to that barbecue that I was invited to. The firemen I had met at the diner convincing me that I should try out to be part of their crew. However, even though these exercises looked easy enough it was being proven that it was harder than it looked.

"Come on Styles!!! You got this!!", Captain Maverick cheered me on.

With that little bit of supports I was able to muster all the strength left in me to completely push the ladder onto the roof, lock it in and climb it. I could feel the heat from the flames that engulfed the building that I was scaling radiate my body. All too soon I reached the red flag we had to retrieve and I rang the bell.

"TIME!!!", Maverick yelled.

"5:45", Cruz called to the captain.

"Not bad for a boy that has never had any training", Maverick whispered to Cruz.

"What do you think", the captain asked his right hand man.

"We can train him further, I think he has tons of potential. And he's one hell of a kid", Cruz smiled at the rookie as Harry was taking off all his gear and taking a drink from his water bottle.

"All right men, you all did amazing today! You should all be proud of yourselves! Cruz and I will contact you if you made the cut. You are all dismissed", Maverick announced.

Maverick watched as Harry ran to his stuff and took out the bus map, he knew he was trying to find the nearest bus that he could take to his job as a server. Harry reminded him a lot of himself, he too left home to find himself. That's how he ended up a firefighter, he felt a connection to Harry and that's why he wanted to help him.

"You need a ride son", Maverick startled Harry.

"No thank you sir, I can manage", Harry smiled.

"I want you to quit that job son, you don't need it", Maverick places a hand on Harry's shoulder.

"How will I pay my bills then?", Harry look at him scared.

"You don't need to worry about that Harry, I want you on my crew. Come tomorrow at 5, Cruz and I are going to train you. You will be paid for it to, congratulations son! You're officially a firefighter", Maverick congratulated Harry.

I couldn't contain himself as he hugged Maverick hard, so happy that he was actually achieving something and wouldn't have to live paycheck to paycheck.

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