"We Know Her"

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Title: We Know Her

Characters: Clementine, Luke, Nick, Carlos, Sarah, Alvin, Rebecca, Omid, Christa
Summary: Upon arriving at the ski lodge, Clementine is stunned to find Omid and Christa instead of Kenny.
Author's Note: okay ima write this under the context that the whole "Nick shooting thing" doesn't happen so that we can focus more on the cuteness of the rekindling lmao
Requested By: ebimanami
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user: justajournalist
It felt as though they'd been walking forever. To Rebecca, very pregnant and very sore, they had been.

"Can we take a minute?"

Everyone paused as Alvin eased her onto a rock. Rebecca had one hand pressed to her back and the other on her swollen belly. The entire time, Clementine was glancing ahead, squinting, seeing if she could spot anything through the hordes of trees. Luckily for all of them, she did.

"Is that a bridge?"

Luke tore his attention from Rebecca to follow Clem's gaze. He squinted, spotting a glimmer of red through the hordes of green and brown. Immediately, a grin broke out onto his face. "I think you're right."

"A bridge?" Sarah asked, hands clasped together, taking a step closer. It was her shy way of including herself in on the conversation. Luke and Clementine always obliged.

"It means we're getting somewhere." Luke said, smiling warmly her way. He wanted to squelch any anxiety she felt as quickly as possible. "We've never seen a bridge before. That means we're making good progress at getting away from the lodge."

The statement made Sarah frown, eventually turning back to her father. She liked the lodge. Deep down, a part of her had been hoping that they would eventually surrender and return to it. Hearing just how far away they were dashed that dream — her dream of returning to their little piece of home — and she turned away to sulk in private.

"I'm gonna scope it out." Luke said, already starting forward.

Clementine smiled, ignoring the bitter sigh Rebecca offered behind them. "I'll come." She said, trotting to catch up to him as he paused, waiting for her.

They'd barely approached the bridge before Luke held his breath, pointing toward a building in the distance. "Do you see that?"

Clementine scrambled to find what he was looking at, especially seeing how his breath caught on his words. But following his gaze, squinting into the distance just out of reach, she spotted it. She, too, sucked in her breath. "A house."

"A lodge." Luke gawked, a hand running through his hair in amazement. "I can't believe it."

This was a major break for them. Since they'd left their cabin, they'd been wandering with no destination. No place to lay down their things and actually rest. Not only had they found that place, they'd found practically a mansion compared to the place they'd been living in prior.

It was a luxury. It was a dream come true and, if everything went according to plan, it would be theirs.

They darted back to the others, seemingly wasting away with boredom and impatience. When the duo excitedly scrambled in and offered the news — Clem grinning and watching as Luke fumbled his way through an explanation — the group was up and off.

"We'll take the back." Alvin said, offering a hand to help Rebecca to her feet.

Luke, Clementine, and Nick spearheaded the group with Carlos and Sarah in the middle, and Alvin and Rebecca following behind.

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