"The Journey Again"

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Title: The Journey Again
Characters: Clementine, Javier, Kate, Gabe, David
Summary: Clementine, now accustomed to her season 3 team, is asked to share the story of her journey that put her there. Sequel to .
Author's Note: I'm so HAPPYYYY with this one :)
Requested By: mag18622
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user: justajournalist
Nobody in Richmond knew anything about Clementine's past, mainly because she refused to talk about it. Anytime anything came up regarding her past life, she grew silent — solemn and still — before excusing herself without reason.

She was hesitant when it came to participating in family events with the rest of the Garcias — seeing as she was an honorary member of the family — and seemed to be awkward and out of place through nothing but her own behaviour.

The only person who had ever heard a glimpse of what Clementine had been through was Javi, hearing her discuss her relationship with Lee in passing. Even then, there weren't a lot of details disclosed. "He was like a father to me." was all she'd offered.

And frankly, Javier was getting a little worried. He couldn't help but wonder if trauma she couldn't bring herself to disclose had occurred. He felt as though it was the only logical explanation, and he hated it. It terrified him that she was carrying such demons alone.


"Hi Javi," she said. Her voice was passive, her attention more so focused on doing inventory than on listening to what he had to say.

He hesitated, waiting to see if she paid him any mind. As usual, work was her priority. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Is that not what we're doing right now?"

Javi hesitated, then closed his eyes. Clementine was quick, he always gave her that. "It's kind of serious." With that, slowly, she turned. She didn't abandon the clipboard, merely held it closer to her chest with a brow raised. "I want you to know that you can talk to me."

Clementine blinked, then furrowed her brows further. "What?"

"You never want to talk about yourself." Javi pushed, brows knit in concern. "I see the way you act around us, and I can see the way you hate being asked about your past." He frowned, especially seeing the way Clementine's shoulders tensed. "I guess I'm just worried. And I'm not forcing you to talk, but--"

"Funny, it seems like that's exactly what you're trying to do." Clementine said, tossing her clipboard down on a table, arms flopping and distraught.


"Save it, Javi." She scoffed, turning away and starting for the storage room's door. "I don't want to talk. Why can't you just respect that?" Then, with her retort tossed over one of her shoulders, she swung the door closed behind her, shaking the room.

Javi closed his eyes, defeated, and decided to finish up her inventory work before heading home for the night. Then, when he did, he slid the door silently closed and slumped down at their make-shifty "table" — really a crate with a few plastic chairs surrounding it. At the table sat Kate and Gabe, chatting mindlessly, their chatter seizing as he slumped down beside them.

"Rough day?" Kate asked, riffling in something down by her feet and removing an unopened glass bottle of beer.

Javi eyed it, then her, then cracked it open and took a big swig. "You could say that," he said, groaning as he felt it hit his stomach.

Just as his bottle was pressed to his lips again, David slipped into their room. While there was still constant underlying tension in the family, they were still that: family. All they had was each other, so they made do with awkward encounters as a means of survival. They needed to. There was no alternative.

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