"Calling It Quits"

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Title: Calling It Quits
Characters: Clementine, Javier, David, Kate, Eleanor
Summary: After AJ's death, Clementine turns to drinking and smoking, amongst other malicious habits. David and Javi, upon seeing this, need to find a way to turn the child around.
Author's Note: I'm so happy with how this turned out awe I feel so sappy
Requested By: ebimanami
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user: justajournalist
It had been two months since AJ died, and the cloud that had been hanging over Richmond had no signs of vanishing.

The town felt thick and heavy, as though a weight none of them could help was suffocating them. While not everyone in the town knew AJ — many never even having met Clementine — the leaders of Richmond had. David, Javi, and Kate's mourning carried over everyone.

But Clementine's grief was by far the worst, and that wasn't a secret to anyone.



David lowered his hand from where it had been knocking on her door. The interaction was a common one, but it didn't mean he didn't hate it. It didn't mean it didn't absolutely terrify him. But, knowing there was nothing he could do, he sighed audibly and left.

He started down Richmond's streets, frustrated and irritated by their lack of progress with the teen. As he wandered, he slipped past the medical clinic, staring at the small grave beside it. It was a makeshift memorial for the child; the one Clementine placed knick-knacks at every day.

He paused, feeling a wave of pain wash over his chest. He stared at it, watching as the dandelions quivered in the wind, ignoring the sound of approaching footsteps behind him.

"Doing alright?"

He closed his eyes, feeling the guilt in his chest ease at the sound of his brother's voice. "Frustrated."

Javi settled a hand on the male's shoulder, and David felt his muscles relax. The movement caused him to frown, realizing just how upset he actually was. "About?"

David turned, sweeping a hand over his face. Javi's hand didn't budge. "Clementine." He hesitated. "AJ."

Javi frowned, his grip growing slightly tighter against the male's shoulder. He knew all about David's guilt with AJ. Seeing the extent of Clementine's grief after his death only reassured to David how wrong he'd been in taking the child from her.

How many years of sibling affection had he robbed from them? He had single-handedly caused her so much grief. Who knew if she could ever recover from that.

Javi parted his lips, attempting to offer some type of reassurance, but was cut off by a voice.

"Uh, can you guys lend a hand?"

The two turned around, spotting one of Richmond's civilians behind them. While David frequently struggled with names, especially with members he deemed as being "unimportant," Javi remembered everyone.

"What's up, Seth?" He asked, sliding his hand off his brother's shoulder.

The male shifted uncomfortably. "It's Clementine again. We need some help with wrangling her."

Clementine throwing a fit was common at this point. After AJ's sudden death, the teen had grown erratic — easily angered and bursting into tears at the drop of a hat — and often times other Richmond members didn't know how to handle her. It wasn't uncommon for Javi or David to walk her back to her room to rest, carrying on as though it never happened the next day.

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