"Dirtied Fabric"

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Title: Dirtied Fabric
Characters: Ericson Kids
Summary: The Ericson kids tease Clem about not washing her hat. When she gets upset about it, Louis defends her as he knows about Lee.
Author's Note: I'm so happy with this one wow ;-;
Requested By: ebimanami
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user: justajournalist
"Okay Ruby, truth or dare?"

Violet leaned deeper into her seat, arms crossed, visibly begging for the game to be over as quickly as possible. She was definitely the only Ericson kid visibly not enjoying herself. She stared at Ruby, already knowing what she was going to say.


Louis hummed. "Tell us who you have a crush on."

Immediately, the teen went beat red. She glanced around the circle nervously, as though scanning for the least embarrassing way she could answer the question. "Uh," she finally breathed, "Clem!"

Clem smiled, then chuckled, leaning back into her seat. "Nice." Was all she could say. The two of them both already knew it was a lie — it was obviously Aasim — and clearly the feeling was reciprocated given the way Aasim's shoulders fell.

Ruby and Clementine both smiled to each other, Ruby's secret safe between the two of them, before Ruby nervously cleared her throat and patted at her pink cheeks. "Okay Clem, your turn. Truth or dare?"

Clementine smirked, adjusting her spot in her seat. She knew what was bound to happen if she said 'truth'. There was going to be a choir of follow-up questions about Ruby's confession. Not wanting to dig the girl into a deeper hole, Clementine smiled warmly. "Dare."

"Clem-en-tine." Louis said, forcing out every syllable.

To that, Clem just smirked, beamed, thrilled that she had a chance to entertain her friends. "Gimme the best you got, Ruby."

Ruby stared at her, drinking the teen in from top to bottom. "I dare you to let Mitch wash your hat."

Instantly, the very moment the words escaped her lips, Clementine's blood ran cold. "What?" She forced out, just above a whisper. "No, I can't."

Mitch chuckled. "Hey, you're the one that picked dare."

Clementine furrowed her brow. Finally, she was starting to get on Mitch's good side and here she was about to throw it all away. Currently, she was so passionate that she didn't care. "I'm not doing that."


"I can't and I won't."

Mitch blinked, his brows suddenly relaxing. Realizing the bitterness in her tone, they furrowed. "Hey, you're the one that picked dare."

"And I'm saying to give me another dare." Clem pushed, glaring. "Now can we drop this?"

"We're just playing the game, Clem." Marlon said, brows furrowed, as if irritated by her sudden outburst. "It's just a dare."

"And it's just a hat." Mitch shot back, arms crossing, glare unmatched compared to every other confused, or somewhat irritated, gaze around the circle.

That was the sentence that felt like a knife to the gut, so much so that Clem could feel her shoulders fall and her stomach lurch. They didn't understand, and in that respect she couldn't be too mad at them. To them, it was just a hat. Just a messy, falling apart hat. They didn't realize the reasons behind why she couldn't wash it.

But that didn't mean they had the right to push her so much on it.

Louis cleared his throat, gaze locked on the side of Clem's head. "Lets uh," he coughed shyly, hoping the rest of the group could back him up. "Let's just pick a different dare."

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