"Wrong Shot"

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Title: Wrong Shot
Characters: Clementine, Marlon, AJ
Summary: AJ shoots Clem mistakenly believing she's an intruder when she enters Ericson's gates one night thinking she's an intruder.
Author's Note: Hi I had a dream about this and needed to write this shit before I forget omg omg so enjoy this little blurb
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user: justajournalist
Clementine felt as though she had taught AJ well in terms of defending himself and his loved ones. She felt as though she'd well-equipped him to tell right from wrong, and she hoped that other members of Ericson were teaching him the same.

That was, except for Marlon.

"I'm concerned about what you're teaching him about shooting."

Marlon scoffed, setting down his clipboard and turning to the girl with crossed arms. "What do you mean? I'm not teaching him anything wrong."

"You're right, you're teaching him something that's risky. I think we should correct it."

Marlon furrowed his brows. "What do you mean?"

"The 'shoot first, think later' mentality." She frowned, arms firmly planted across her chest. She was still assertive, but with an air of worry about her now. "I think that isn't the safest mentality."

Marlon paused, considering it, then waved his hand. "We're perfectly safe here. If any threat were to emerge, it would make sense to shoot first and think later." He shrugged. "I think it should be fine."

"But Marlon--"

Marlon held up a hand, ending the conversation. "I teach everyone at Ericson the same thing; the safety of each other is the priority. If that means we shoot before we ask questions, that's what it takes."

Clementine stood silent, anxiously studying him, arms falling to her sides in silence. Then, Marlon turned and started away, ending their conversation indefinitely.

And Clementine hated it.

She hated it even more when an actual emergency fell into their lap.

One night, as Clementine was taking her rounds around the school on watch duty, Marlon scrambled out of the school and darted for her. "Clem!" He called, voice tense and frantic. It made Clementine's heart clench, and stop all together when he followed it with: "Our barriers are down!"


"Our defences. Outside the front gate."

Clementine felt her stomach twist. "You're kidding."

Marlon shook his head, the nervous panting heightening seeing Clem's shared worry. With their defences down, especially at night, it meant anything — or anyone — could approach the gate and gain access to their camp.

That was their worst fear.

"We need to get out there." Clementine said, immediately adjusting the axe strapped to her back, hoofing it toward the front of the building.

"I'll blow out all the lights." Marlon said, branching off momentarily. If there was going to be no security, they needed to make the building seem as hidden as possible. The moment the place was thrust into darkness, hidden from their world, isolated from any perceived danger, they were off.

"Got your bow?"

"You know it."


They moved quickly and quietly, Clementine trotting up behind Marlon as he led the way. As they reached their traps, they reset them as urgently as possible. They worked side-by-side, watching over each other's backs, breath held, tensions high.

"How many did you get?" Marlon whispered.

"5. You?"



Then, their breaths wavering and nervous, they started back for Ericson.

Through the practically non-existent light, Clementine could feel something brush at her hand. Then, just before she flinched away in panic, it laced its fingers with her own and squeezed.

"Stay close," Marlon's voice said lowly, warm his breath brushing against her ear. Clementine stiffened but nodded, knowing he couldn't see it regardless.

The moment they got back to the school, they both knew what they needed to do; turn on all the lights, fill in anyone that was awake, and resume business as normal. They didn't want to generate any panic. Everything had been handled. Now, everyone was safe once more.

As they neared the gate, Marlon pulled out his key, detaching his hand from Clementine's. Only then did she realize how much she liked the sensation; the feeling of silent intimacy between her and someone she trusted. It was then, watching him rustle with the gate for her, did she feel the most cared for than she'd felt in a long, long time.

Inside, students could hear the rustling. Glancing out their windows, they were horrified by the state of the darkness; confused and paranoid. Too anxious to leave their rooms, none of them budged; just whispered silent questions and prayers to one another.

But not AJ. AJ was the only one who had taken action.

He started outside, anxiously holding onto his gun, shyly moving closer to the gate. The world was dark. He couldn't see a single thing. All he knew was that Clementine was gone, someone had purposely extinguished all the lot's candles, and someone — or something — was rattling at Ericson's front gates.

He couldn't see what it was — their entire world was thrust into momentary darkness — all he knew was to raise his gun and aim, as best as he could, into the void.

Then, he heard a click. He heard the gate open, not a word exchanged between whoever was entering. There was no Clementine, no Louis, no anyone. So, he did the only thing he knew how.

He aimed, then shot. The sound of the gunshot rang through the air, slicing through the dead-silent forest's midnight.

Then, a sharp inhale, and a gurgle.

"No." Was all Marlon could muster, horrified in the midst of his confusion. Scrambling, he desperately lit one of the nearby torches, illuminating the scene.

Clementine was frozen, glancing down, a growing pool of blood emerging in the gunshot wound sliced through her stomach. She coughed, sputtered, then began to waver on her feet.

Desperately, Marlon reached forward, capturing the girl in his arms before she had a chance to collapse entirely. "No no no no no--" He guided her to the ground, wrapping her tightly in his arms. A hand reached up to her face, brushing at her pale, shocked cheek. "Clem? Clem, please hang in there."

Hearing the noise, other Ericson kids funnelled out of the front door, sensing the panic from afar. Spotting the scene, they wailed and cried, stumbling down the front steps and darting across the grass, desperately running for the injured.


"Oh my God!"

"Clem," Marlon whispered, eyes teary and glossing over. "Clem please, please Don't leave me."

AJ glanced over the scene, his stomach twisting and pulling, threatening to up heave. So, the midst of everyone's grief, he turned away and sobbed into the grass.

He had done this. Inadvertently, he killed the only person who had stood by his side through everything.

For him, for all of Ericson, this was the end.

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