"Rough Life"

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Title: Rough Life
Characters: Clementine, Gabe, David, Javier
Summary: Gabe and Clem are out on a run, looting an abandoned house, when they come across a stray dog. After Clementine's last encounter with a dog, she's terrified it's going to attack her. While Gabe enjoys the pet's company, Gabe tries to help her overcome her fear.
Author's Note: I'm so happy with how wholesome this one turned out AHHH ENJOY BUDDIES
Requested By: MiNiEvErEtt on Wattpad
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user: justajournalist
When David assigned Clementine to go with him to scour the abandoned cluster of farm houses a few hours south, Gabe was on the moon.

"The motorcycle is yours to use, but you know the rules."

"Yeah yeah yeah," Clementine said, dismissively wavering her hands as she snagged the keys from David's open palm, making her way toward New Richmond's auto garage.

David glared after them, slowly crossing his arms, studying Gabe's giddy, excited run as he trotted up behind her, ears and nose rosy and bright. Truth be told, that was the only reason David had bothered assigning them to the same chore.

Well, that and David knew Gabe needed supervision. As much as he loved him, the kid definitely struggled with getting anything done alone.

On the drive down to the dump, Gabe clung to Clementine's waist as she drove the motorcycle. She was steady and fast — a pro driver — and got them there in record time (even if Gabe felt a little jostled up).

"We need to start in the house." Clem said, starting in the house's direction already. "I promised Javi we would. He says the place looks practically untouched." Gabe trotted after her, not saying a word, happy to just be in the teen's presence.

As they cracked open the front door, the duo immediately started rummaging through the place. It looked as though it had been a type of office for the dump. It held mainly paperwork and office supplies, but there was a decent amount of little things they managed to swipe; pain killers, mints, gum, granola bars, tape, string, and scissors. In the waiting area, Gabe was shoving paper, pens, untouched candies, and paper cups.

Then, she heard it. The very sound that made her blood run cold, her shoulder tense, her body flip it's 'panic' switch; a dog bark. Immediately flipping around, and almost collapsing because of how weak her legs were, she spotted it. It was a small dog who was alarmingly thin given its size.

There, just outside the collapsing building stood a tiny, dark brown dachshund. It was barking at a raven that had been pecking at an empty apple juice box. Given the sound, the bird fluttered away and left the animal to explore.

"Oh my God," the sound came out as a whisper, her hands clasping over her mouth. No no no no. Not here. Not now. Why was the universe doing this to her?

"A dog!" Gabe yelped, scurrying for the door.

Brutally — as forcefully as she had ever done something in Gabe's presence — Clem ripped the door from his grasp and shoved it shut. Her eyes were wide and wild, staring down the male in horror. "What is wrong with you?"

Gabe held his hands up, terrified from how desperate and violent Clem had momentarily been. "I feel like I should be asking you that question."

Clementine blinked, baffled that he was daring to make her out to be the one acting irrationally. "You can't go outside and meet a random dog."

"Why not? It looks sick."

"Gabe," Clem said, staring him down as though she was wrangling him in, "it might be sick, or angry, or violent."

"Look at it, it looks too small and weak to hurt me."

"Dogs can be violent, Gabe." She said, eyes widening, jetting her head forward. She had been candid with Gabe about her fear of dogs in the past. Well, her fear of the one specific dog who harmed her. She may not have been specific enough that she was scared of all dogs.

Gabe blinked back, hesitating for a moment before furrowing his brows. "It's only a little wiener dog. It's so tiny and small, it isn't going to bother us."

"We don't know that."

Rolling his eyes playfully, Gabe pushed through the door and made his way outside, delicately and slowly walking towards the little creature. Maybe if he was able to show Clementine how calm dogs could be — how loyal and sweet they could act — maybe he could help her abandon that fear.

As he reached down for the creature, Clementine flinched back, fearing the very worst (but she couldn't say she didn't warn him) but as she heard silence, she opened her eyes to see Gabe and the pup staring at one another, the teen nuzzling its chin.

"Come on, little guy." Gabe said, kneeling forward, accepting the small pup into his arms.

Clementine froze, her blood seizing in place as she flipped around to face him. "What are you doing?"

Gabe turned and blinked, as though confused. "What do you mean? I'm trying to keep him warm."

Clementine scoffed, hands on his hips, heart pounding and blood boiling. "We are not bringing that home with us."

Gabe frowned. "Why? We can't just leave him here."

"Why not?"

"Look at him, Clem." Gabe said, brows crunched together and heart aching. "He's starving.

"I trusted a starving dog once, and it didn't end well for me."

"Clementine, look at him." He held up the little dog, watching as it quivered against the wind. "This little guy wouldn't hurt a fly. He wouldn't hurt a fly. He weighs the same as one anyways."

"If you bring that dog back, I swear to God you're walking home."

"What? Clem, come on."

Clementine glared. Hard.

By the time the motorcycle rolled back up to Richmond's parking garage, David and Javier were standing by the entrance, seemingly talking (or bickering) back and forth. They turned sensing the sound, and stepped back to allow Clementine to dismount.

"Clem, where's Gabe?"

Clementine frowned, shoving the keys into Javier's chest, adjusting the two backpacks against her shoulders. "He decided to bring a little friend home with him." She snapped their way. At first, the brothers were concerned, turning to one another and frowning.

When Gabe rolled up with a dog three hours later, all worries were forgotten; all threats of punishment at Gabe for being reckless had been thrown out the window.

"Oh my God, he's so tiny." Javier gawked.

Clementine had no words. None.

Though, she did have to admit, he was really cute and tiny. Maybe she could get used to living with a dog around the lot.


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