"A Re-Imagining"

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hi friends!! I wanted to do a little re-imaging of the s4ep1 showdown where no one dies and stuff gets sappy :') I hope you guys enjoy 💛💛

Summary: The season 4, episode 1 finale re-imagined, in which Marlon lives while Louis attempts to de-escalate the situation.

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Everything was on the table. There was no going back, and Marlon crumbling before all of them was further proof of exactly that.

"I fucking tried, alright?" Marlon yelled, breathing erratically as he swung around his arms. "The position I was in was never easy!"

There they all were: all the Ericson kids lost in the rain. Marlon on one side of the field, Clementine on the other. AJ stood huddled with the others, swiftly tucked behind Louis' leg to prevent him from seeing as much of the present breakdown as possible.

"Marlon, please!" Clem yelled, praying he could hear her desperation over the rain. "We just need to—"

"Enough!" With that, Marlon ripped the gun out of his back pocket, swinging it around, pointing it directly at Clementine. Her heart slammed into her stomach, eyes wide in peril.

Louis could feel his body tense. AJ gasped at his side, and the shock and horror was mutually shared amongst his classmates. He swiftly pushed AJ toward Ruby. He snagged him without shifting her gaze, bringing him beside Willy, ensuring he was out of harm's way and safe.

This couldn't happen. He couldn't let this happen. He knew what Marlon was capable of when he fell into one of these states. He just needed to get in there and calm him down. "Marlon, listen—"

"No!" Marlon yelled, swinging his aim toward his best friend.

Louis had his hands raised and paused the moment the gun began staring him down. His gaze shifted to Clem, and he could feel her nerves rattling off of her. He tried to assure her through only his gaze. "Marlon, let's talk." Marlon said nothing, only maintained his shaky aim.

"Talking isn't going to fix anything!"

"You're right," Louis began, slowly moving closer again. He could only pray Clementine knew to trust him; knew that he wasn't going to do anything to put her in harm's way.

She knew that. She'd always known that. It wasn't Louis she was worried about.

"But we need to figure something out, and swinging around that gun isn't going to help any of us." Louis continued.

He could see Marlon's facade crack. "Nothing has ever helped us."

"I know," Louis said, his frown more evident than ever, "but we've been helping each other."

That was what caved Marlon in, his grip on the gun wavering.

"We're alive thanks to each other." Louis said. Gradually, he wandered to stand in front of Clementine, hands raised, pleading for his friend to recognize the error of his threats.

Realizing what Louis was doing, fearing he was getting ready to gang up against him with Clementine, Marlon cocked his gun and swung it fiercely. "Stop moving!" He wailed.

Louis could hear Clementine bring in a raggedy breath. He knew she wasn't terrified, she was seldom that shaken, but she didn't want to make the wrong move. Marlon was panicked, and she didn't blame him, but the last thing she wanted was to be caught in the crossfire.

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