"A Little Rusty"

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Title: A Little Rusty
Characters: Christa, Omid
Summary: Pre-apocalypse Omid finds a little kitten and begs Christa to keep it.
Author's Note: okay I'm actually really happy with how cute this little fic is awe :))))
Requested By: Anonymous
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user: justajournalist
"What? Are you saying you don't trust me?"

"No, I'm saying I really don't."

Omid glared as he normally did whenever Christa teased him; his brows would snag, but no real malice was ever behind them. "Come on, let's go do something new for date night!"

Christa crosses her arms, quizzically scanning him up and down, pressing her lips together in the corner of her mouth. "Do you remember what happened the last time I let you plan date night all on your own?"

Omid flinched at the words and sighed at the memory. "Please don't remind me." He shook the mood quickly, as he normally did, and resumed his prodding. "This time is gonna be different. Give me a chance to prove it."

Christa frowned, chewing her cheek in through, meeting his puppy dog-pleading gaze with a stern glare of hesitation. Finally, she sighed. "Fine. Lead the way."

The two had been casually seeing each other for around a month. While they were hesitant to make it official — claim that they were boyfriend and girlfriend — deep down, they knew. Maybe it was how often Christa's pessimistic nature clashed with Omid's bright, starry attitude, or maybe it was his Christa's introverted side never quite seemed to mesh with Omid's extroverted tendencies.

Regardless, they still felt as though they got along and, at the end of the day, they made each other happy. They pushed each other out of their comfort zone and forced them to try new things.

Unluckily for Christa, that meant letting Omid take the reins on their date night, and to say she was worried was an understatement.

His precious planned date night involved a small local bar, a sweaty amount of college students packed into the place, and karaoke night where every participant got a free tequila shot. It had been a sweaty nightmare, and Christa had left with vomit on a pair of her favourite shoes.

"I didn't realize they were hosting an event tonight." Omid had claimed while Christa begrudgingly placed her shoes inside a plastic bag and stuck it out the window as they drove home. The sight made Omid laugh and, over time, it made Christa laugh too.

That was one of her favourite things about Omid: his ability to take even the worst situations and make her giggle about them.

But, as soon as Omid told her to put on 'good walking shoes', a part of her felt as though this date wouldn't be too bad after all.

At least, she could only hope.

The moment they hit the sidewalk outside of Christa's tiny apartment, Omid's fingers threaded with Christa's own, cheeks wide, his smile so bright it was blinding.

"Where are we going?"

"It's going to be a cute surprise."

Christa squinted his way, squeezing his hand tighter as they crossed streets, passed strangers, and slipped through dips and breaks in pathways.

Christa had no idea where Omid was leading her, but once she hit solid group again, her eyes lit up.

"The lake?"

Omid grinned, squeezing her hand tighter as he tugged her to the right. "Come on, we're going on a walk."

Christa stared at him, blinked blankly as though she had missed something. Was she following correctly? Was she understanding what this meant?

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