The story behind blazin' Blade Ranger

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[image above is what Blade looks like in this story as he is human] 

It was the day of a stunt trick for the tv series CoPS and well Nick was scared but at the same time excited. "this will be hard" nicked sighed. 

"you ok partner" Blade said his voice full of concern for his friend. 

"huh? oh...yea I'm fine" Nick responded, his voice full of worry and fear

"you'll be okay, I promise you Nick" Blade said trying to reassure his best friend.

"ok, you're right Blade, I can do this," Nick said his courage returning. 

The scene started and Nick flew up and started the stunt "Blade, you were right" Nick said as he smiled and down below Blade was smiling too but then 'whoosh' a crosswind blew past and threw Nick out of balance, he couldn't gain control of his helicopter soon he started free falling "BLADE HELP ME" Nick yelled as fear took over as his life with Blade flashed before him. 

"I'm coming" Blade yelled as he raced to save his friend fearing of losing him as his life with Nick flashed before him because little did everyone know they weren't just friends no, they were lovers.  


It was too late, Nick had crashed on the helicopter's side causing glass and metal to be stuck in his body as he bled out "huh" Nick groaned feeling the pain.

"NICK" Blade sobbed as he rushed to his dying friend "Nick you ok" Blade spoke as he sobbed.

"Blade is that you?" Nick responded as he grew weaker.

"Yes Nick it's me" Blade sobbed 

"Blade I think I'm....I'm" Nick struggled to speak.

"no Nick you'll be ok I promised you" Blade sobbed as tears streamed down his face trying to save his friend but he doesn't know how.

" doesn't...always go the expect it" Nick struggled to speak as death started to take over "I'm sorry"

"there's nothing to be sorry about, you'll can't leave me, you can't"

"Goodbye Blade..." Nick let go of his final breath as death took over making his body go limp and cold.

"NICK! NOOOOO..." Blade sobbed into his dead partner's chest refusing to let go.


That night Blade cried himself to sleep "Nick, what am I going to do now" laying in his lonely bed without his partner darkness slowly took over. A few days later was Nick's funeral, Blade went but it broke his heart all over again, he cried and cried even on the walk home but something caught his eye. It was a newspaper that had an article on Nick's death but there was something else, it was a call for help. The fire rescue team needed recruits that's when Blade had an idea. "Huh, I know I'll become a firefighter just like Nick wanted to be and this time I can save lives for real, I won't let what happened to Nick happen ever again. Ok, let's sign up as...Blade Ranger"

Blade trained hard and got certified to become part of the piston peak aerial firefighters. "This is for you Nick". He soon became the head firefighter and everything he put out Nick was on his mind as he imagined what it could have been like if he was there with him, however, that accident changed Blade. He became quiet and strict, he shut off his heart and himself to others.

Everyone that died around him he wouldn't be troubled by the according to the others but little did they know was that when he went into his bunker he cried, tears running his eyes as they became a waterfall on his face. He kept things of Nick to remember him by and comfort him when he had to.

He would seem tough and strict to others maybe even harsh but he just wanted to protect everyone one so really on the inside he was just a huge softie. Blade just needed to learn how to love again and accept what happened if only someone could see past his wall and into his heart.

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