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The way to J Group building from his family manor makes him feels bored of the heavy traffic. Even though it just takes less than 20 minutes to get there, there are two traffic lights that needed to get through first. Because of that, Jungkook turns his eyes to his phone after the first traffic light as Taehyung says that they might be a little late seeing many cars lined up in front.

He is scrolling at some university website when Soyeon who is sitting beside him telling him something. He nods at each one of the things she says but he does not really pay attention to it. He focuses on what he is searching for in his phone.

When Soyeon asks him something, he does not listen to it and has his eyes looking outside wondering of something. At the same time, something catches his eyes that he feels weird of.

"That...scooter.", he mumbles while keeping his eyes to it.

Soyeon who calls his name twice is ignored making Taehyung and herself to frown at the young man. "Jeon Jungkook!", Soyeon finally raises her voice and pinches his left ear shocking him with the sudden pain. Taehyung is a bit surprised seeing it through the rear view mirror but he tries to suppress his laugh seeing Jungkook's reaction.

"Ow! Eomma, eomma...why??", Jungkook questions as he rubs his left ear that just got attacked earlier.

"I was talking to you and I asked you something. You didn't listen, did you?", Soyeon asks with her sharp eyes on him. He gulps and apologizes right away admitting he was guilty for ignoring her just now.


Chaeyoung keeps looking through the binoculars she bought earlier that morning at the front gate of the manor. She is waiting for the person she has been monitoring for almost 2 weeks now and that person is still not seen that day.

"Where is she?", she says to herself while looking at the time on her watch. It is already 10.30 p.m. and the person she waits to be home is not yet seen.

Suddenly, she sees someone going out of the manor in a Ferrari and sure that it must be the son of the Jeon family. When she sees him through the binoculars, she can sense that he is somehow looking a little out of the ordinary. She sees him in a black leather jacket with white shirt, a black jeans, a black beanie and a shade. She has not seen him with those kind of clothes before so she has a thought that he might be up to something no good. So, she decides to follow him to make sure he does not make the family's name ruined.

She still remembers that Junyoung told her about Jungkook's attitude. He is a good son but he is also reckless at times. She also was told about how Jungkook refused to study business as he is more to fashion and entertainment stuffs back then.

"Where are you going, reckless guy?", Chaeyoung says when she is starting the engine of her pink scooter.


Chaeyoung sits at a far place from where Jungkook is. She knows that he does not know her but she cannot risk herself from being recognized by him. She looks at him who is drinking alone at the bar and sometimes talking with the bartender there. She is worried when she realized how many bottles of alcohol he took in. It was seven!

When he decides to leave, he walks stutteringly and accidentally leaves his car key behind when he hits someone at the stairs. Chaeyoung sees it and quickly looks for him outside. She almost calls his name out before remembering that he does not know her and quickly changes it to 'Mister'. However, Jungkook seems to not listening and it makes her has to chase him.

When he is just one step closer to his car, Chaeyoung stands in front of him and stops him. Her action makes Jungkook feels enraged so he asks her to step out of his way. But, she does not move and tells him that he left his car key behind. She shows it to him and he takes it harshly from her before pushing her aside.

"Wait!", she says and Jungkook opens his shade.

"Why? Do you want something from me for giving me back my car key?", he says to her while opening the door of his car. He does not want to wait longer and just want to get home.

"You're drunk. Don't you think you need to call a substitute driver for you?", she says while holding the car door so that Jungkook does not close it on her.

She is actually worried if he gets into an accident while in that intoxicated condition. Also, she is worried of the family's name mostly. She just wants to protect it because for her, Jungkook is a family. Just like how Junyoung used to regard her and her father at the village as a family.

"Really?", Jungkook says as he leans on at his car looking at Chaeyoung in drowsiness. "I think I shouldn't call.", he says and takes a step forward closer to Chaeyoung. "You're my substitute driver, aren't you?", he asks and touches her chin. "You made me left my car key behind and you came to give it back. You did it purposely, right?", he continues.

Chaeyoung quickly denies and steps back a little. "I didn't do it on purpose. You really need a substitute driver or you might get into an accident.", she says.

Jungkook grins at her. "So, you're not my substitute driver but...you're a fortune teller, huh?", he says cynically and once again Chaeyoung denies calmly. "I...am just worried. You're drunk. It's dangerous.", she says to him and he nods to it.

When he wants to walk to the opposite side of the car, he loses his balance and makes Chaeyoung had to hold him to the passenger's seat. After making sure he sits down comfortably, she looks around thinking of what to do next. Should she drive him home or should she asks someone else to do it for her?

When she is asking herself what is right to do, Jungkook who is partially aware of his surrounding calls for a name. A name that she does not know of. She is about to ask him who it is before he suddenly says 'don't hurt me please' and says that unknown name again.

"I...I won't hurt you. I just...want to make sure you get home safely.", Chaeyoung responds as she takes his hand to comfort him.

"Drive me home, please.", he says as he hands the car key in her hand. "Here.", he also takes out a card from his wallet and hands it too. She is frowning before she realizes what card it is. She looks at it and speaks out, "Paradise Maison?"


Fifth chapter ✔

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