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Jungkook is so happy as he waits for the elevator to reach the 4th floor where his mother's ward is located at. When the elevator opens, he sees Taehyung coming out from his mother's ward. Jungkook calls for him while waving excitedly.

"Hey, Kook. You look happy.", the elder says.

Jungkook smiles while panting heavily as if he is in a rush to go somewhere. "I just met Namjoon hyung and he told me he's found a donor for my mom.", he tells Taehyung with a bright smile on his face.

"Whoa, that's good then!", Taehyung replied.

"Yeah, he said this donor volunteered to donate kidney for my mom and turned out the kidney matches. Thank God! I can't wait to tell eomma about this.", Jungkook says before Taehyung tells him that his mother was in the bathroom when he came in bringing a bag of clothes for Jungkook.

"Okay, hyung. Thanks for bringing my clothes here.", he says before going to his mother's ward.


Namjoon stops as he watches Jungkook helping his mother to lean her back on the bed. He is a bit reluctant to come in and give the information but he knows he cannot delay it any longer. Soyeon needs to do the transplant as soon as possible.

He knocks on the door before opening it a bit. When Jungkook sees him, he comes in and gives a smile to the Jeons.

"Hey, hyung. Good afternoon.", Jungkook says to Namjoon.

"Good afternoon, Jungkook, Mrs Jeon.", he replied. "I guess Jungkook have told you about the good news, Mrs Jeon.", he continues.

Soyeon nods with a smile. "Is my donor a living donor, Dr Kim? Because I remember you said I'd get a kidney from a dead person if I'll have to be in the waiting list.", she asks.

Namjoon takes off his glasses and nods to Soyeon's question. "We've conducted every evaluation tests needed and found that her kidney matches yours. So now, I want to tell you about the transplant.", he stops when Jungkook raises his hand wanting to ask something.

"Can we know who is the donor, hyung?", he asks.

"I'm afraid not. This donor wants to keep herself anonymous. So, everything about her is confidential and only the transplant team will know. The transplant will also take place at different times, the donor will undergo the kidney removal first and then, you will enter the surgery room, Mrs Jeon. I hope this doesn't bother you two much.", Namjoon reveals what he can to them.

"If it's like that then, we'll respect her decision. But, hyung...I'd like to thank the donor so can I give her something as a sign of gratitude?", Jungkook asks.

Namjoon nods, "You can give it through me or the surgeon that will do the transplant, Dr Lee Hyeri. She can pass it to her directly later."

"Okay, thanks, hyung.", Jungkook replies with a smile of happiness. Namjoon smiles back at him before informing another important thing. The schedule of the transplant.

"It will take place on Wednesday afternoon. We will get you ready at 2 PM. Usually the surgery will take up to three or four hours. So, I hope you are ready 100% before the surgery. There will be some briefing done before it takes place.", he tells.


The time on the screen seems to be moving very slowly for Jungkook. He is waiting to call Chaeyoung at the same time he did last night because he tried calling her twice half an hour ago but she did not pick up. So, he decided to wait until the same time he called her yesterday to tell her the good news about his mother.

He really wants to share it with her and wants to tell her himself. He does not want to just tell her through messaging, it does not feel right according to him.


Chaeyoung turns the lights off before going to her bedroom getting ready to sleep. But just as she lies down on her bed, her phone rings again for the third time tonight. She knows who is calling her but she does not dare to pick up his call.

"Please stop calling me, Jungkook.", she says as she looks at his name on her phone screen.

She still remember his words when he called her yesterday. All of the things he said to her can make her cry again. She could not handle another conversation with him after he told her of his plan of marrying her. A plan that she knows will never happen.

Her phone stops ringing for a few seconds but it rings again when she put the phone on the small table beside the bed.

"Give up, Jungkook. Please...", she begs as if he can hear her voice.

She looks at her phone vibrating on the table but she ignores it until it stops ringing. She pulls her blanket covering her up until her neck before she hears a message notification from her phone. Only then, she takes her phone and opens the message.

"Hi, Chaeyoung. I have a good news to share with you. Can you try to call me back because I called you but didn't get through?" - Jungkook at 10.23 PM


Minhyuk and Kihyun stay silent as they try to eavesdrop on Jieun's call with Jungkook, their managing director who has not been seen for three days now at J Group building.

"Yes, Jungkook. I wish everything will go well for your mother, okay?", Jieun says as she tries to ignore the two busybody colleagues in front of her.

"Don't worry about the company. I'll see you soon when you come back to work. Bye, Jungkook.", she says before she hangs up.

Minhyuk being the always annoying person to Jieun asks her about the Jeons especially the CEO.

"She'll undergo a kidney transplant later afternoon. Let's just hope everything will be fine for our CEO.", Jieun tells them before chasing them way from her place.


"Hi, Chaeyoung. I have a good news to share with you. Can you try to call me back because I called you but didn't get through?" - sent on Monday at 10.23 PM

"Hey, Chaeyoung. I waited for your call but seems like I got none. The coverage must be very bad in your hometown, right? Anyway, I want to tell you that my mom has found a donor and she will have the transplant surgery tomorrow. I wish I can tell you in person, Chaeyoung. I hope I'll see you on Thursday. I love you." - sent on Tuesday at 1 PM

"Hi, Chaeyoung. Have you gone to sleep? I miss you. Good night, my love."  - sent on Tuesday at 10.25 PM

The messages he sent to Chaeyoung...none of them is replied. It makes Jungkook getting worried all of a sudden. Negative thoughts start to come to his mind.

"Is she alright?", he thinks.

A minute later, he decides to message her asking her if she is okay. But, he receives a message from her first.

"Hey, Jungkook. I'm sorry I couldn't call you. The coverage here is very bad. And I also want to say sorry because I have to extend my leave until Friday. My father needs me here to help him with something. I hope you don't mind. I'll pray everything will be alright for your mom from here, okay?" - Chaeyoung at 9.34 AM

"Extend leave until Friday?", he repeats what she sent him.

Then, he tries to call her even though the percentage that she answers him is low.

"No answer. It's okay then. Once eomma gets better, I'll find you, Chaeyoung.", he says as he types to reply to her message approving the extra leave she will take without thinking twice about it.


Sixty third chapter ✔

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