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Everyone that sees Jungkook coming out of the elevator bows down to him as he passed by. He walks to the one exact location which is the front counter of the department. He sees the person he wants to meet is busy on the phone so he waits until she is finished before he talks to her.

Once he sees her putting the phone down, he waves at her to get her attention since no one is near them. "Yes, Jeon Jungkook-ssi. Good morning. What can I help you?", Jieun says as she smiles at the young man in front of her.

He puts up his hand as if signalling her to wait before he takes out his glasses and wears it. Jieun looks at him weirdly thinking of what he is trying to do.

"Do I look bad wearing glasses?", he asks as he points at the round glasses he is wearing.

Jieun frowns at his question. "Yah, Jeon Jungkook-ssi. Did you really come to this floor just to ask me that?", she replies him with a question too.

"Noona, just answer it. Please...", Jungkook says in whisper.

Jieun looks at him as if she is observing how he looks while wearing the round rimless glasses. "Hmm...actually you look better without it.", Jieun finally gives her answer to him. He asks for confirmation and Jieun repeats the same answer. "You look weird wearing it. Just my opinion anyway.", she adds.

Jungkook sighs as he removes the glasses from his face. "Why are you asking me this question?", Jieun asks but Jungkook tells her that it is nothing important. "No...it's actually important to you. If not, you wouldn't come here asking me this...unimportant question.", she tells him.

"I guess this has to do with Chaeyoung-ssi, isn't it?", Jieun guesses. Jungkook quickly shushes her even though there is clearly no one around them. "Nothing to do with her. No.", he says as he covers Jieun's mouth with his hand.

"Yeah, right. But, you're acting too much for this thing that has nothing to do with her.", Jieun says before chuckling about it. "Anyway, it's her third week, right? How is she doing? Is there anything suspicious about her?", Jieun gets serious about her question.

She knows Jungkook does not like to go on with the topic of the glasses so she asks him about Chaeyoung. Considering that he has been always with her for the third week now, Jieun is sure that there must be a lot that Jungkook knows about her.

"She's...okay. She has done a good job until now even though there's some small problems at first. But overall, she's good.", he says but Jieun raises her eyebrows as if not getting enough information yet. "She's good...at her work. Okay. How about her attitude or the way she behaves in front of you? Did she do anything that looks suspicious to you?", Jieun asks him.

"Umm...no.", he replies in short.

Jieun does not believe it as she knows Jungkook is not telling her everything. "Come on, Jungkook. What are you hiding from me, huh? Aren't you and I in this thing together? I mean you told me about her before, so why now you're trying to hide it?", she tries to lure him to talk about everything he knows about Chaeyoung.

"Okay. She's a good person. She always saying sorry for just small mistakes, she gave food to the needy, she comforted me when I was down, she let me stay at her house, she...", he was stopped while counting all Chaeyoung's deeds with his hands.

"She let you stay at her house?", Jieun asks him. "Did I...say that?", he asks back. He gulps as he did not realize that he slipped out that one incident to her.

"So, you've stayed at her house...just after what, almost three weeks of knowing her?", Jieun says with a sly smile.

Jungkook shakes his head to deny what Jieun is thinking about it. "I was down and we were in Gwangju at that time. I told her to go back to Seoul that same night and she drove us back. So, I told her to just drive to her house instead of mine. I don't want to burden her to drive me home and then, continue driving to her house. That's why I stayed at her house.", he explains to Jieun without caring if anybody hears him.

Jieun nods to the things that Jungkook said. "Fine, I get it. But...why were you down? Who hurt you, Jungkook-ah?", she asks in a low voice.

"No, I don't want to talk about it.", Jungkook replies as he briefly looks at his watch.

"Okay, Jieun-ssi. I need to go to my office. Thank you for your help. See you later.", he says with a smile before waving at her.

Jieun smiles back as she watches him going to the elevator. Once he is out of her sight, she shakes her head thinking of their conversation earlier. "I told him he will fall for her.", she says as she continues her work.


Twenty ninth chapter ✔

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