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"Jeon Jungkook!", the shout of his name makes him letting out a long sigh.

He does not want to be bothered but it has not been a day after his grandpa came to see him. He ignores the person and walks crossing the road to go back to the apartment after buying some instant food from 7-11. However, his ears feel burning hearing the repeating car honk sound.

"Now I got your attention!", the female figure yells as she walks to where he is standing at.

"What are you doing here, noona?", Jungkook asks the HR officer of J Group who has been like a sister to him. "With Minhyuk hyung too..", he adds as he sees the man who honked at him repeatedly earlier.

"So, here you are hiding.", Jieun says as she looks at the building in front of her. "Luckily your grandpa told me where you'd be staying at.", she adds.

Jungkook nods in surrender. Of course Jieun found out from him, who else.

"He came here yesterday and now you're here this morning. Noona, it's Monday. You should be at work, not here.", he tells the elder lady as if she is slacking off from work.

Jieun crosses her arms before she calls Minhyuk to come out of his car. Jungkook stares at Minhyuk as  he also tells him off about following Jieun. Minhyuk shakes his head as he gives a file to Jieun.

"We came here for work, Jungkook.", Jieun says as she takes the file and tells Minhyuk to go back to his car.

"Well, I don't think I have anything to do with J Group anymore.", Jungkook replies giving Jieun a big frown on her forehead.

She does not know why he said that but she knows he is extremely sad after Chaeyoung resigned. He did not come to work at all after he got her resignation letter. She thought he was just missing Chaeyoung, that is why the managing director is absent.

No one at J Group knows about what happened at the hospital. Only Jungkook, Soyeon, Byunghun, Taehyung, Kiyong and Namjoon know about it.

"I don't know and I don't care of what you just said. I'll ignore that.", Jieun says. "What I want to know now is...do you miss Chaeyoung? So much?", she asks him.

Jungkook gives a sharp gaze at her for talking about Chaeyoung.

"Answer me, Jungkook. Don't stare at me like that.", Jieun replies without feeling intimidated with his stare.

"So what if I do? I love her, noona. Okay? I love her and I've told her I want to marry her. But, she left me...", he pauses.

"I knew it!", Jieun says without realizing that Jungkook's eyes are getting teary now. "You...oh, Jungkook-ah. Don't cry, hey...", she pulls him for a hug trying to comfort him from crying. "Please don't cry. I'm not coming here to see you cry like when we were in school. Jungkook...", she pats his back gently several times while Minhyuk looks at them weirdly. Jieun shrugs at him when their eyes meet.


Minhyuk brings a glass of plain water for himself and Jieun as they look at the sad young man in front of them. The two of them are thinking of how to start a conversation with Jungkook who is still crying quietly. While they are hitting and pinching each other, Jungkook looks up and says 'okay' to them as if he was not crying like a kid just now.

He paused briefly after he caught Jieun is pinching Minhyuk's thigh while Minhyuk is nudging her elbow. The two freeze at Jungkook who is looking at them weirdly. They slowly crack a smile to stop the awkwardness from going further.

"Okay, so...will you tell us? Anything?", Jieun tries to start first.

"You said this house was Chaeyoung's house, right?", Minhyuk adds, earning him a blow on his arm. He groans in pain while staring at Jieun making Jungkook feels funny to see them bickering in front of him.

"Yes, hyung, noona. This place used to be Chaeyoung's but she moved out so I rented it for now. I can't let the landlord throw away her things in this house. She moved out in a hurry...a lot of things here are hers. I'll take care of them until I find her again.", Jungkook says without stuttering or pausing at all.

"Okay...I  have a question...I hope you will not be angry with it.", Jieun says before Jungkook nods to it.

Then, she continues with her question, "Did you two...had a problem? A fight or..."

Jungkook shakes his head before Jieun finishes her words.

"We're good. Just...something else happened. She left me not because we argued but...she left me because she thought it would be best for us to separate.", Jungkook says. "But I will find her and show her that we shouldn't be separated. I will find her and bring her back...", he adds without revealing the truth to them.

He does not want them to know about his family issue. He does not want it to be a big issue to the country. So, he tells to a certain point only which is enough for them to understand.

"So, this whole week...you didn't come to work..were you looking for her?", Jieun asks as she puts down the file she carried with her to the table.

"Yeah, I looked for her but still haven't found her yet.", Jungkook replied while looking down to the ground, feeling disappointed with himself.

"Where did you go? I mean...to look for her.", Jieun asks more as she folds the file open.

Jungkook tells her he went to Cheonan because he thought her hometown is there. Then, Jieun asks him how he can go to Cheonan when Chaeyoung used to be studying in Busan. Hearing her words, Jungkook asks what she means of the words she just said.

"Jungkook, here. This is her resume. Her middle school, her high school...they're in Busan. See?", Jieun points to the name of schools which end with Busan as the city where the schools located at.

Jungkook looks at them with wide eyes. "Busan?", he utters it before he curses Jimin for lying to him.

"Jieun noona, thank you! You really are the best sister ever anyone can have!", he says as he hugs Jieun tightly.

"Yah, yah, don't hug her too tight. You can hurt her.", Minhyuk voices out as he taps Jungkook on his shoulder.

Jungkook does not listen as he hugs her long enough to make Minhyuk whines at him again, "Don't hug her too long!"

Listening to him, Jungkook looks at him and quickly lets go of Jieun. "Noona?", he calls. "Are you two dating now?", he asks in curiosity. Jieun shakes her head several times while Minhyuk smiles before he sees Jieun denying.

"Yah, we are..."

"I said I give you a chance and you're only going to take me out on a date in coming Saturday. Now, not yet.", Jieun says to him without caring that Jungkook hears it too.

Minhyuk pouts and looks at Jungkook who is going into his room which was Chaeyoung's. Jieun also look at Jungkook taking his luggage and opening it to fill it with his clothes. It seems like he is getting ready to leave for Busan.

"Jungkook, are you packing your clothes to go to Busan?", Jieun asks even if it is obvious.

"Yeah, I'm going as soon as possible.", he replies as he puts his clothes inside the luggage.

"You might want to see your mom first. Your grandpa said she's not feeling well...and she misses you.", Jieun tells him making him to stop what he is doing.

He turns to look at Jieun and asks her, "What else he told you about my mom, noona?"

"He said she's been a lot more sensitive now. Since you suddenly left to find Chaeyoung, she...doesn't talk much and doesn't want to see anyone. I came to visit her when she was in hospital but your grandpa said she didn't want visitors.", Jieun informs him what she knows about Soyeon.

"I will see her later.", Jungkook says before he continues what he is doing.


Sixty eighth chapter ✔

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