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Chaeyoung looks at her father when she realizes that the bus will arrive in a few minutes. She wants to send him to the bus station but he insisted to go alone. She knows she has hurt him by doing what he does not like.

"Abeoji, do you really not want to see Jungkook at all?", she asks him.

He turns to see Chaeyoung and shakes his head. "I'm here to see you, Chaeyoung. Not anyone else.", he replies. "Did you find out about them before Jeon Junyoung passed away?", he asks.

Chaeyoung nods, not wanting to hide anything from him anymore. The bus they wait for stopped and Haejin says that it is time for him to go. He hugs Chaeyoung dearly before taking a step to go to the bus.

"Abeoji!", Chaeyoung shouts.

Haejin turns around just before he gets in the bus.

"By any chance...do you know why and how it happened?", she asks about the incident 24 years ago.

Haejin gives a wistful smile before answering, "Not everything is good to know, Chae. Just remember what I said. Do what is right, okay? I'm going. Take care, my child."

Chaeyoung looks at her father as he gets into the bus. She is left with the questions in her head. Seems like her father does not know about the incident 24 years ago or he is just hiding something about it from her.


The tears finally fall from his eyes as the bus drives away from the apartment. He has been holding himself from tearing up since the night before. He could not sleep thinking of what he did in the past.

"I'm sorry, Chaeyoung-ah.", he mumbles as he wipes the tears with the end of his sleeve.

"I don't want to be the one who hurt you, my dear.", he says as he looks at Chaeyoung's photo that he has in his wallet.


A few hours after seeing her father left her apartment, Chaeyoung calls Jimin using the number he gave her before this. She has to wait for quite a while before her call is answered. Jimin's voice of saying hello sounds like he is reluctant to talk to her. Like it is a mistake that he answers her call.

"Jimin oppa...what have you gotten about me actually?", Chaeyoung asks.

"Uh, Chaeyoung...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to tell your father anything but..."

"I don't care about that. I just want to know how much you know about me, about my real family, anything...", she says as she stays on her bed thinking about how much her father knows about her from Jimin.

A sigh is heard from him before he speaks, "Quite a lot, Chaeyoung. I don't know that doing this job will bring me to this family issue of yours but...honestly, I can't take it anymore. First, it was Jungkook. Then, Jeon Soyeon. And recently, your grandpa. From I don't know any connection between you and them to now I know it all..."

"Oppa, you met my grandpa?", Chaeyoung cuts him off.

"Last Tuesday I met him. He actually knows you are his grandchild but I didn't know how he knows. He just asked me to find information about you and I gave him the same information I gave to Soyeon-ssi and Jungkook. Now, I feel guilty, Chaeyoung. So guilty because I gave them false information. I...I feel bad now. I was just trying to protect you when Jungkook asked for it but now...I lied to him, your...mother and your grandpa.", Jimin tells her.

"I'm sorry, oppa. All these happened because of me. I should have told you the truth first. I'm sorry.", Chaeyoung says as she thought of the time she met her grandpa with Jungkook. The old man already knew who she is at that time.

Jimin tells Chaeyoung that it is okay and that he does not blame her for he knows how secretive she is about herself.

"I'm the wrong one to choose this job for myself. Now I can't handle it. Foolish me.", Jimin says to Chaeyoung.

"Ah, because you've called me, I want to tell you, Chae. I have sent all the documents about everything relating you and Jungkook to your house. I can't keep them with me anymore. I think you should have them. Furthermore, I want to take a rest from my job. I'm actually at the airport now. I'm going to be gone again for a while.", he reveals.

Chaeyoung is shocked with his last words before asking him if he is joking with her. Jimin giggles before apologizing.

"I'm really going, Chae. But, I will be back soon. I'm not going to be missing for 3 years like before. Just...I need some time...to rethink of what I'm doing.", he tells her.

"Don't worry about me. I'll come back and you'll be the first one to know. I promise.", he assures her.

The clock on the wall facing her bed is stared at for a few seconds before Jimin calls her name. Chaeyoung holds herself from crying after Jimin said that he will leave again. Truthfully, it hurts her because she feels like she is the reason Jimin is going to disappear again. She feels guilty towards him because she knows everything happens because of her. Because she is selfish, just like how her father said to her last night.

"Jimin oppa, I'm sorry.", she says.

"Chaeyoung, I tell you. It's okay. You're not at fault. I am at fault for searching too much information about you. I am sorry to you. Okay?", he replies.

"Chaeyoung, I am about to board now. I have to end this call. I'm sorry. I will call you when I get back, okay?", he adds.

Chaeyoung hums slowly with a nod. Then, she tells him to take care before they say goodbye to each other.


Fiftieth chapter ✔


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