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Jungkook puts down the file on the table before eyeing Jimin in front of him. Jimin raises his eyebrows asking why and he points on a photo in the file.

"You're telling me that this is how the girl who always stalking me look like?", he asks.

Jimin nods and asks if those photos are not good enough for him. "No, it's enough. It's just...", Jungkook stops as he looks again at the photo. He remembers the girl he saw in his room this morning.

"Hyung...she was in my condo this morning.", he reveals making Jimin a bit surprised. "She was...at your place? Really? How?", Jimin asks as he gets curious in a sudden.

Then, Jungkook tells him about what he saw in the cameras at his house of what happened the night before. "Whoa, you don't remember what you did with her? In your room?", Jimin asks. Jungkook shakes his head with a sigh. "That's absurd.", Jimin comments further.

"Nah...it's nothing absurd. I might have been drunk but you know what's the miracle? What I wear last night was still what I wear when I woke up this morning.", Jungkook replies.

"Oh...so she just stayed to sleep...on your bed?", Jimin asks with a frown. He, as Jungkook's best friend who is also a private investigator gets a bit weird of the girl named Park Chaeyoung that he digged information on. The girl seemed to be acting fishy but for what reason?

Jungkook shakes his head as he also gets curious and feels weird of the stalker that was caught this morning. "It's okay, hyung. These information you found here for me is enough. I'll see what to do with her later.", he tells the elder guy in front of him.


Chaeyoung takes her scooter that she left at the club and rides home. She is so tired because of what happened to her. When she arrives in front of her apartment building, someone calls her name and she turns around. Just as she sees the person, she turns around back and tries to get to the main entrance quickly. But, that person is just much faster to stop her and he stands in front of the main entrance blocking her way in.

"Why are you running? Scared, huh?", he says and touches her chin like how he did last night. "Don't touch me!", Chaeyoung says as she pushes his hand aside. Her reaction makes Jungkook a bit annoyed with her. "I'm not here to do anything bad to you.", he says as he stays blocking her way.

"Why are you here then?", she asks.

Jungkook shows his serious face before saying that he needs to talk with her about something. But, Chaeyoung disagrees to talk with him by saying that she promises to never get even an inch close to him anymore. She takes a few steps back right in front of him showing that she is serious.

However, Jungkook takes some steps closer to her with his serious face too. Chaeyoung's eyes widen at his actions as she tells him to not get any closer with her hand blocking him. "No, get back, please.", she says as she slowly steps backward from him.

"I won't.", he replies as he touches her hand making her gets even more worried. "Let me go, please.", Chaeyoung says as she tries to pull her hand away from his grip.

"Let's have a talk first! Then, I'll leave you as you want.", Jungkook says as he tightens his hold on her hand. His harsh act makes Chaeyoung got intimidated by him. Their eyes locked with Jungkook's eyes looking sharp into her teary eyes. "O..okay, we'll have a talk.", she manages to agree to have a talk with him making him letting her hand go.


The coffees have been served about 5 minutes ago but both of them does not touch their cups at all. It seems like taking forever for Chaeyoung waiting for what Jungkook wants to talk about with her. He just keeps quiet with his serious face looking around her small apartment. Sometimes, he looks at her making her gets scared of him.

"So...", she tries to be brave to open her mouth first. "What do you want to talk about with me?", she finishes the question as she takes her cup of coffee.

Jungkook gives her a stare once she finished her question. Then, he takes out a file and throws it on the table in front of them. He opens the first page of the file which reveals her photo with some information in it.

"Park Chaeyoung. That's your name, right?", he asks as he looks at her with his sharp gaze.

"I'm asking you. Park Chaeyoung, that's your name, am I right?", he repeats as he points to her name under her photo.

His cold voice makes Chaeyoung gets scared of him as she nods her head several times. "Y..yes, that's my name.", she says as she tries not to cry like a small kid getting scolded by her parents. The way he keeps his gaze serious as he watches her makes her scared to look at him eye to eye. She could only stares down to the floor avoiding his killing gaze on her.

"I found out you have been stalking me for weeks. What do you want from me actually?", Jungkook asks her.

However, she cannot answer him right away since he was mistaken from the start. She did not stalked him, definitely not him. But, she cannot say anything else either since he will surely guess that she was stalking his mother. That is not even a good thing at all. He will try to find out why she was stalking his mother and that is not going to be good.

"Park Chaeyoung, I'm asking you a question! Why are you stalking me?!", he asks again as he hits the table with his palm, probably getting annoyed with Chaeyoung for not answering to him.

She flinches before she could answer anything. "I...I wasn't...stalking you. I didn't even intended to do that in the first place.", she says to him as her eyes still hesitates to look at him. He looks so angry with her that she feels like crying any moment soon.

"Then, what are these photos here? You...with binoculars roaming around my car, my house and my office. What was your intention of doing all these then?", Jungkook asks as he points to each of the photos of her at different places that Jimin got from CCTVs.

"I...I was...I was looking for a job at J Group.", Chaeyoung says quickly as that is the only thing she could think of at the moment. Her eyes looks at Jungkook with hope and sympathy mixed up. She hopes that he will believe her and also asking for sympathy to stop talking harshly with her.

His face looks shocked with her answer before he utters out, "You were looking for a job...at J Group?" His voice does softened but his gaze stays serious. "Nonsense! If you really are looking for a job, just send your resume to our HR. Why stalking me?", he adds when Chaeyoung is nodding to him.

"I...kind of desperate and I know if I send it to HR, it might take a long time for them to review everything so...let me just give my resume to you instead.", Chaeyoung replies as she stands up and leaves him making him wonders what trick she is pulling on him.

"Here, my resume.", she says as she gets out of her room and hands Jungkook a white file. Again, Jungkook gives her a sharp gaze even though he takes the file in his hand. "Seriously? Are you kidding me?", he asks as he puts the file to the table beside her room without even looking at it.

His action makes Chaeyoung's tears fall to her cheek as she takes the file from the table back. "I...I'm serious...I've been looking for a job everywhere, I've sent my resume to every company but the response...none. I've graduated for more than half a year but still couldn't get a decent job. I just...I just need one job to make my father proud of me. Just one decent job, Jeon Jungkook-ssi.", she cries as she tells him how serious she is.

"I'm sorry you had to see me crying like this...You must've think I'm trying to make you change your mind...You can leave now, I won't appear anywhere near you anymore after this. I promise you that.", she continues before she gets inside her room and locks herself in there.


Seventh chapter ✔

Will they meet again? 🤫

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