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Chaeyoung lies down on her bed and checks her phone for a while to set an alarm. After that, she put the phone on the bedside table and settles herself comfortably with her blanket covering her body. As she closes her eyes, she recalls how she met Soyeon that morning.

She opens her eyes and smiles thinking about it. "Hope I'll get to see you again, eomeoni.", she says.


Soyeon is drinking in the kitchen when Junyoung comes home that night. When he sees her swallowing down the wine, he comes closer and takes the empty glass away from her. He also puts down the wine bottle to the floor under the dining table.

"Soyeon-ah, I told you not to drink anymore, right?", Junyoung says as he sits next to her.

"Hmm...", she looks at him with her eyes half-closed. "Honey...I thought you won't come home so...I drink..a bit.", she says as she lets her head falls on his shoulder. Junyoung looks at her as he smells the strong wine scent from her mouth.

"I'm here now, you see? Why did you drink? You know it's unhealthy for you.", he asks her as he saw an empty wine bottle inside the trash bin.

Soyeon nods to him. "I know, honey. But...I drink because I thought you won't be home tonight.", she tells him. "Why did you come back so late, hmm? Did you meet...a woman out there? Did you...cheat on me?", she asks him as she points to his face with her wavering hand.

Junyoung takes her hand and puts it down. "No, Soyeon. I'm not doing such thing you say.", he tells her.

"Then, why are you home so late? This is the second time, honey. The second time...you came home late, the second time...I smelled this same scent. A rose scented perfume. You...only smell like this if you meet a woman, Junyoung-ah.", Soyeon states her reasoning even though she is intoxicated with the alcohol she drank.

Junyoung sighs at her words before speaking up, "If I tell you who I meet, will you trust me?"

Hearing that from her husband makes her tilts her head to see his face clearly. Her eyes open as she tries to control herself from the intoxication of the alcohol. His face seems like he has something important to tell her. He looks like he has been keeping a secret of it for a long time from her.

"Who is it, honey?", she asks.

"Our daughter, Chaeyoung.", he answers.

Their eyes lock to each other for a while before Soyeon gives out a laughter at him. "What are you talking about?", she asks him as if he was being ridiculous with what he said to her earlier. However, Junyoung keeps his serious face with her.

"I'm telling you I met our child, Soyeon. Our...biological...child. Our daughter..."

"Since when...we have a daughter, Junyoung-ah? Our child is Jungkook. Jeon...Jungkook.", Soyeon cuts him off as she tries to stand up.

"No, Soyeon-ah...", he denies it as he looks at what she is going to do. He tries to help her by holding her arm but she pushes his hand away from her. "Honey...if you want to get away from me...if you don't want to tell me who you meet out there...at least, give me a better answer. This is not the answer I expected from you.", she tells him as she carefully walks away from the kitchen.

Junyoung watches over her and quickly catches her when she almost stumble down. "Soyeon, be careful!", he says as he holds her by the shoulder and stops from saying anything more about who he met outside.


The dream of Junyoung makes Soyeon's eyes open wide. She gets up from her bed and goes to wash her face in the bathroom. Once she is done with it, she looks at her face in the mirror and recalls what she dreamed of. A dream that had actually happened but she forgot it because she was drunk or maybe...because she just wants to forget it.

"Chaeyoung...it can't be...", she pauses as she remembers Jungkook's PA she met in the morning that day.


Twenty first chapter ✔

I just realized this story has passed 200 votes so here's another update for today. 😊 Thanks for those that read & vote for it. I'm currently writing this story every day since the quarantine makes me free a lot 😅 Anyway, keep taking care of yourself & those around you, everyone.

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