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Jungkook walks in first after Chaeyoung allows him to come inside. When he takes a seat on the sofa at the living room, she asks him if he wants to drink anything and he says no. "I'll be quick. There's no need for me to have a drink. Now, sit down.", he says as he eyes her to sit next to him on the three seater sofa.

Chaeyoung looks at the empty space on the sofa but she finds it hard to sit down as he told her to. What kind of job interview allows a potential candidate to sit next to the interviewer? She finds it weird actually.

"Park Chaeyoung-ssi, I say sit down.", again Jungkook says to her.

"Oh, okay. I'm sorry.", she replies as she sits down next to him but still makes quite a big gap between them.

Then, she sees him taking out a document file from his briefcase and puts it on the coffee table. He opens the file and moves the document paper closer to her. "This is your offer letter. You can read them first, I'll wait. Then, put down your signature on this page.", he tells her as he shows her the document that is actually her offer letter.

"Offer letter? But...you said you're going to interview me first.", Chaeyoung asks as she does not expect an offer letter from him or even from J Group.

"Oh, well. Jieun-ssi said that to you but after I have reviewed your resume, it's enough for me to say you are the most qualified one for the position. So, here I am coming here by myself to make sure you accept the job offer. Is everything clear now to you, Chaeyoung-ssi?", he explains.

Chaeyoung does not have a word to say after that as she stares at the document that comes along with the offer letter. The document is just about the benefits and other related information she needs to know as she accepts the job offer. There are four pages of them as she looks at them briefly.

Once she is done looking at each of the pages, she closes the document back. "Sign it when you're ready. I'll wait.", he says as he hands her a pen beside the file.

When he looks at his watch for a while, Chaeyoung braces herself to try to talk to him about the job offer. "Umm, Jeon Jungkook-ssi...can I...say something?", she asks him. "What is it? Are the perks not good enough for you?", he questions her back.

She quickly shakes her head and says that that is not the issue. "It's something else. It's just...before I sign anything, may I know why am I the chosen candidate out of everyone else?", she asks him. He frowns before asking her back if she knows how many candidates were there for a job interview at J Group that day.

She innocently says no but she really wants to know why is she chosen to fill in the position. Jungkook nods to her and says, "Your resume is quite promising. You're a talented debater in school, had joined many leadership programmes from high school till college days, you even excelled in sports during school years. That's what I remember. Sorry, quite a lot of positive things in it. You want me to list it all out to show why you're the most qualified one?"

Chaeyoung loses words to what he just mentioned. True, she was a talented debater in school and was good at sports but just in cheerleading actually. About the leadership programmes, she just joined them because she thought it was fun.

"So, will you sign the offer letter now? There's no more doubt or something bothering you about it, right?", Jungkook asks.

"Yeah but...can I ask for some time to think about it first? I just...this is too sudden. I can't make a rash decision about it, Jeon Jungkook-ssi.", Chaeyoung replies as she looks at the file on the table in front of her.

Jungkook looks at her for some time before saying okay. "I'll give you time till next Monday. I hope to hear from you sooner than that though. I'll make my move first.", he adds as he stands up. Chaeyoung stands up too and bows to him as he walks to the front door. Before she can say anything to him, he turns around and calls her name.

"Please don't forget about the offer letter like you forgot the interview today, okay?", he reminds her in a cynical way.

She slowly nods and watches him leaving her house. Once the door is closed, she hits the side of her head feeling embarrassed of herself for thinking that the day was all fine for her. She should have expected that he would come looking for her at her house.

Now, she does not know what to do. Wants to sleep? She cannot as the offer letter thingy will keep her thinking about it all night long. Wants to sign the offer letter? She cannot as she has not yet have a decision to do so. This is so messed up, she thinks!


Twelfth chapter ✔

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