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As the elevator makes that sound, Jungkook steps out of it and makes his way straight to the HR department area. At the front counter, he could see the smile of the HR admin as she eyes him. He knows she is expecting him since he comes every morning since last week for a certain reason.

"Annyeong, Mr Jeon.", she says with a slight bowing at him.

"Annyeong, Jieun-ssi. How's today?", he asks as he looks at the table behind the counter.

Jieun giggles a bit before Jungkook frowns at her. "I'm sorry. It's just...your question gets shorter and shorter and it sounds funny for me.", she says making him recalls how his questions were for the past few days.

"How about today? Do you receive anything new? Is there anyone sending their resume to us?"

"What about today?  Did someone send their resume to us?"

"How's today? You got anything?"

He shakes his head as he tries to look serious again. "Jieun-ssi, I'm serious right here. Is there...", he stops when he sees her head shaking at him. That reaction from her is enough to tell him that he still does not get what he wants. Maybe he should just let it go already, he thought.

"It's okay. I need to go now. As usual, Jieun-ssi. If you get any resume, please tell me as soon as you can.", he says before he turns around.

"Mr Jeon, wait!", Jieun says. When Jungkook looks back at her, she takes something out from the drawer. "Your friend, Seokjin came by the way. And he left this for you.", she continues as she shows him a white file in her hand.

"Is it...", Jungkook could not finish his word as he takes the file and opened it.

"He didn't tell me what it is but I think...", Jieun stops when he raises his hand signalling her to keep quiet.

He looks at the name on the first page. Then, he looks at the photo and smiles. "Park Chaeyoung, at last.", he says before he closes the file again. He smiles to Jieun and she slowly responds with a smile too.

"Thanks, Jieun-ssi. This resume, I will review them by myself. Later, I'll tell you what you need to do.", he says with a smile that has not faded yet.

"Okay, Mr Jeon.", Jieun replies with a nod before Jungkook excused himself with the file in his hand.


Chaeyoung is about to leave the toilet when her phone vibrates showing that she receives a call. When she looks at the phone number shown, it is an unknown number which makes her wonders who it is. She waits for the call to end but it seems like the caller does not give up so she picks up the call after almost 30 seconds passes.

"Annyeonghaseyo, is this Park Chaeyoung-ssi speaking?", a sweet and beautiful voice is heard at the other end before she admits who she is.

"Okay, Ms Park. I'm Lee Jieun from HR Department of J Group. I'm calling you now to tell you that you are chosen to be a candidate for our available vacancy here. So, right now I want to inform you that you will have an interview on next Monday since that is your day off. I will put the interview schedule to be at 10 am..."

"Wait, wait, wait. What did you say?", Chaeyoung cuts in.

Jieun's voice seems to be in a pause as she asks which part of what she was saying that Chaeyoung does not get. "Everything. I mean...I don't get the whole thing. What do you mean you're from J Group's HR department? I...", Chaeyoung stops when she realizes something.

"Ms Park, didn't you send your resume to us?", Jieun asks back.

"I...no, there must be a mistake.", Chaeyoung says as she looks through the small window at the door for Jisoo at the front area.

"I don't think so, Ms Park. Maybe you didn't send it all by yourself but we got your resume here. So, as I was saying just now...your interview will be set at 10 am next Monday here. But if you couldn't make it here, don't worry. We will be present at your place to interview you, okay?", Jieun informs her of the details.

Chaeyoung had a lost for words as she tries to think of how her resume went to J Group. "Ms Park?", Jieun calls her name. "Y..yes, I got it. Thank you, goodbye.", she quickly replies before abruptly hangs up on the sudden and shocking call from J Group.

Right after that, Jisoo comes to the kitchen with a tray of dirty dishes in her hands. Chaeyoung takes a step towards her and stands beside her near the sink. Then, she looks at Jisoo with a curious look.

"Chae, why are you looking at me like that?", Jisoo asks as she sees the stare Chaeyoung gives her.

"Unnie...did you steal anything from my house when you sent me home that day I was drunk?", Chaeyoung asks while focusing on Jisoo's face.

She could see Jisoo's eyes waver from looking at her. And from that, she knows Jisoo is going to lie to her.

"Me? Steal something from your house? Ohho...no, Chaeyoung. Why would I do that to you?", the elder says as she tries to wash the dishes in the sink carefully. However, her slow movement makes Chaeyoung determined that she is lying.

"Okay. Do you want to know a good news, unnie?", she tries to catch Jisoo with a trick. "Hmm, what?", Jisoo replies as she briefly looks at Chaeyoung.

"I'm going to have a job interview at J Group.", Chaeyoung says with a smile on her face. Jisoo looks surprised as she puts the cups in the sink and ready to hug Chaeyoung. "Oh, Chae! Finally!", she says as she hugs the taller lady beside her.

"Finally, you were the one who sent my resume to them.", Chaeyoung says making Jisoo gets shocked. "Uh...no, Chae. Not me.", again Jisoo denies it. "I didn't do it by myself and I know you or Lisa did it since you two know who asked me to do that thing.", Chaeyoung states her conclusion on how she knows there is someone else who sent her resume to J Group.

With that statement, Jisoo finally sighs and gives up. "Okay...I...kind of involved but it was all Lisa's plan. She planned to get you drunk, and I just did the search for your resume. The one who sent it was Jin.", she admits as she drags the other two people down with her which makes Chaeyoung chuckles at her guilty look.

"Okay, it's okay. It's fine. It's done already.", Chaeyoung says as calm as she can. "You're not mad..at me? At us?", Jisoo asks with her pitiful face. "I...just don't want to think about it now.", the younger replies as she heads to the door.

"So...when is the interview?", Jisoo asks making Chaeyoung stops on her tracks.

She turns around and says, "Next Monday but I don't think I will go. I'm going to come here instead."


Tenth chapter ✔

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