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Chaeyoung feels a warm breath close to her right ear before she realizes how her position of sleeping is. She remembers that she stayed with Jungkook at his hotel room last night and said that she trusts him that he will not do anything to her. However, she feels betrayed now as she sees how their position on the bed.

Last night, she made it clear to him not to cross the border she told him. But, right now it seemed that he crossed it. She can feel his arms wrapped around her waist and she gets nervous realizing his hands touch her skin at her stomach.

She tries to free herself but Jungkook's hands refuse to let her go.

"Jungkook, hey!", she whisper yells at him as she hits his hands to leave her.

"Yes, I'm here.", he replies casually with his eyes still closed.

"Jungkook, let me go!", she yells louder at him. "Let...me...free!", she says as she hits him harder making him groaning in pain while pulling his hands away from her.

His eyes opened as he tries to understand why she acted that way with him. "What's wrong, Chae?", he asks with confusion.

Chaeyoung moves herself away from him as she pulls down her shirt which was lifted when he hugged her earlier. Her eyes stare at him sharply but he keeps his innocent and confused look at her.

"I shouldn't trust you yet.", she says as she steps away from the bed.

"Whoa...what did I do?", he asks, totally did not know what he did wrong.

"I told you not to cross the borderline but you didn't listen.", she expressed her anger to him. "You even dared to touch me, Jungkook.", she adds as she goes to the bathroom to wash her face.

Jungkook gets up and looks at his phone realizing that it is already morning as the sun rises outside can be seen from the balcony.

"I listened to you.", he says as he stretches his hands to the air. "I didn't cross the border.", he adds as Chaeyoung comes back to look at him with her hands on her hips. "You did.", he points to where he lied on and where she supposed to lie on. "You came to my space. You didn't remember?", he asks her as he gets off the bed.

"It was raining last night and you got scared of the thunder. You woke up because of it and you asked me to stay beside you. You came to my side and let me hug you. You forgot that?", he tells her to recall what happened.

Her face turns red as she goes speechless recalling what had happened.

"Good morning, Chaeyoung.", Jungkook says as he stands behind her and puts his hands on her waist.

"Don't touch me.", she exclaims as she steps forward and turns around to face him. "I'm sorry.", she says as she puts her hand to her stomach.

"Are you worried about the scars?", he asks as if he knows why she does not want him to touch her that intimately. "I didn't see it but I felt it. Three small scars around your stomach from the surgery.", he tells her as he slowly touch her hand. "Don't worry, I still love you no matter how you are.", he assures her as he holds her hand up and kisses the knuckles softly.

"Even with this permanent imperfections I have?", she asks him.

Jungkook nods before he gives her some words, beautiful words, "Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections..."

"Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you..", she continues the lyrics of John Legend's song that he just gave her.

They both smile before Jungkook tells her that they need to get moving so that they will not miss their flight back home.


As the plane touched down, Chaeyoung sighs heavily while looking out to the window. Jungkook sees her worried face so he squeezes her in a comforting embrace. His action startled her a bit.

"It will be okay. I'm right here beside you, Chaeyoung.", he assures her.


When they are walking to the arrival gate, Chaeyoung sees a group of people gathering to wait for someone's arrival. She stops when she realized who they are. It surprises her that they come at that late hour just to greet someone coming home.

"Jungkook...did you tell them to come?", she asks him as she stops him from walking.

He shakes his head. "I only told them you're coming home today.", he tells her the truth. "They come here on their own. They miss you a lot, Chae.", he adds as he asks her to continue walking to greet her friends that came to see her at the airport.

Lisa, Jisoo, Jennie, Seokjin and Jieun are there waiting for the two at the arrival gate. As they pass the gate, Lisa quickly runs to give a hug to Chaeyoung as if they have not seen each other for years. The others come behind her and greet the two with smile on their faces.

"Guys, you all came this late..I'm going to cry now.", Chaeyoung says as she hugs each one of them with tears threatening to fall.

Jungkook does his brotherhood handshake with Seokjin as the elder congratulates him for finally bringing Chaeyoung back.

"Why did you go there alone?", Lisa asks with a disappointed tone.

"Why didn't you tell us where you're going?", Jisoo being the elder sister she is, scolds Chaeyoung in a soft way.

"I could've followed you if I know.", Jennie says with a pouty face.

"I'm glad you're back. Jungkook was half crazy when you left.", Jieun tells with exaggeration.

Chaeyoung wipes her tears as she says sorry to them. Then, she hears the voice she misses a lot from behind all of them. Her father. Jungkook's real father. Park Haejin.

"Abeoji!", she shouts as she walks up ahead to him and quickly hugs him. Her tears raced down her cheeks in no time. She misses him a lot and she feels bad for lying to him.

"Abeoji, forgive me. I didn't mean to lie to you. I'm sorry.", she apologises without letting go of him.

Haejin rubs her back trying to comfort her before he breaks the hug. He looks at her and wipes her cheeks with a smile on his face. Chaeyoung smiles too slowly while letting Haejin clears her tears from her face.

"I'm really sorry..."

"It's okay. You are back now, Chaeyoung. That's all that matters.", he says before seeing Jungkook coming to stand beside Chaeyoung.

He smiles at his son who goes to hold Chaeyoung's hand afterward.

"You did what you said, son.", he tells Jungkook.

"I'm just keeping my promise, abeoji.", Jungkook replies with a smile too.

Their friends who heard the words 'son' and 'abeoji' in the conversation between the two widened their eyes at those words. They do not know the exact family issue and thought that Chaeyoung's father has already accepted Jungkook as his future son-in-law. They go 'whoa' and 'great' behind the three making Jungkook feels embarrassed with them.


Seventy seventh chapter ✔

Another one coming later. 🤗

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