The Surgery

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~Teto's POV~

Miku turned to the camera, a fake smile plastered on her face. "Why, I had no idea Teto was getting a voicebank, but that's wonderful! Just wonderful!" She gushed. "You know, I was just so heartbroken when I found out she wasn't becoming a Vocaloid, so this is great news!"

I slammed my hands on the table. What a liar! She laughed at me! I wished I could yell at the top of my lungs, to tell the world what a big fake she was.

Momo, who was sitting to my left, turned to me. "Hey, what's wrong, Teto? Hatsune Miku is excited about you getting a voice! The Hatsune Miku!"

If there was one thing I'd learned about the Utaus in the past two days, it's that they were obsessed with Miku. They were always talking about her and covering her songs. As badly as I wanted to tell then what she did, I couldn't. And even if I could, I wasn't sure if they would even believe me...

Instead, I just gave Momo a tiny smile.

"Oh, you poor thing," she put a hand on my arm. "You're probably nervous about your surgery, aren't you?"

"Sweet Mother Miriam, Pinku, you're only going to make her more nervous," said Uta.

"Ah, sorry!" Momo apologized. "I don't mean to make you more upset, Teto. I'm sure your surgery will go just fine! The Utau developers are really good at this stuff."

I wasn't sure if I believed her, because from what I'd seen, they weren't very professional-looking. They seemed like lower-class Vocaloid producers.

Just then, Charlotte, the main Utau producer, came into the living room. "Teto, it's probably best if you get to sleep now. Your surgery is tomorrow afternoon, after all!"

Charlotte explained the procedure to me. It made me a lot less nervous to know that I would be asleep during the surgery. "Just try to relax, okay, Teto?" I nodded, but I was still nervous.

Momo put her hands on my shoulders. "Just think! At this time tomorrow, you'll be able to sing!"

~Momo's POV~

"She probably won't be able to sing for awhile," Charlotte told me the next day. Uta and I were sitting outside the room where Teto's surgery would take place in mere minutes. "Like how babies have to learn how to talk. She's only been alive for five days, after all. On top of that, she hasn't had a voice up until now. It may be difficult for her to learn."

"But she will learn how to sing!" I insisted, clutching Uta's hand. "She has to, that's all she's ever wanted!"

"How do you know what she wants?" Uta looked at me like I was crazy. "She can't even talk."

"I've seen it," I turned to her, taking her other hand as well. "I see it in the way her eyes light up whenever she hears music."

"I agree that she does look eager to sing," Charlotte said. I had forgotten that she was still there. "And I never said she wouldn't be able to, I only said it may be difficult. On top of having to learn, she was born a Vocaloid. A Vocaloid has never been given a Utau voicebank before."

"But you're saying she will be able to sing, right?"

"Eventually, yes."

Just then, Momotaro entered the room, Teto behind him. They had just finished up with lunch, and I could see Uta's face turn four shades redder, which I thought was funny, since she was a robot.

Momotaro took a seat next to me, and Teto walked up to Charlotte, pulling a pair of earbuds out. "Are you ready?" Charlotte asked Teto. She nodded and grabbed onto Charlotte's hand and they walked into the room where Teto would get a voice.

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