~Sakine's POV~
"Why are you talking to me again?"
"Because," I looked up at Meiko. "We're somehow connected, so I thought we should hang out."
She rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Hey, your shoulder straps are twisted, turn around."
I giggled as she fixed them for me. "Just like a big sister."
After the whole swimsuit incident a couple weeks ago, Luka had claimed that Miku stole Teto's swimsuit on purpose because she actually bullied her a lot, and Teto hadn't denied it. Neru and Haku were a bit skeptical, because it seemed so hard to believe, but we knew she fought with Luka a lot, so she could've been lying. I, frankly, wasn't sure who to believe, so I remained neutral. Most of my interest was in Meiko and how I was related to her.
But it was time to give the swimsuits another try, and so far everything had run smoothly. Teto and everyone else had their swimsuits, Miku was wearing the correct one. Now we were just waiting on the guys. Len came out of the dressing room first, trying to impress us all with his tiny muscles. But when Kaito opened the door, both Meiko and I squealed. "He's so hot," I sighed.
"Hey, back off!" She frowned. "He's my husband!"
I giggled again. "Well, duh, but since we're related I obviously find him attractive too!"
"Go find your own mini Kaito," she scoffed.
I gave her a big fat pouty lip. "I would if I could, but there is no mini Kaito for me... just him."
"Fine," she finally agreed. "You can hang out with us, I guess, but no touching him."
Kaito spotted us (well, Meiko, specifically) and began to walk over when Miku slithered up to him and showered him with compliments. He blushed, not used to all the attention. "What's she doing?" Meiko hissed. Len seemed alarmed too, as he walked over to Miku, who brushed him off.
Kaito finally broke away and walked over to us. "What was that about?" demanded Meiko.
Kaito shrugged. "I don't know, she was just saying I looked nice."
"You do!" I piped up.
"Ah, isn't this your little sister, Mei?" When he smiled at me I nearly died. "She's cute."
Later, I was sitting with everyone else while Rin and Len were recording a video that took place on the beach. I leaned over and whispered to Miku, "Doesn't Len look nice?" She merely shrugged while filing her nails, not even bothering to look up.
Interesting, I thought. Len and Miku are supposed to be dating, and she's always flirting with him to make him jittery. But outside of the media, it seems like she doesn't truly care for him...
When the song finished, the first thing Len did was run up to Miku. "How did I do?"
"Same as always," she replied simply before turning to Kaito. "You're next!"
Next to me, I could practically feel the steam coming out of Meiko's ears.
While Kaito may have seemed dopey to someone who saw him going about his day, when he started to dance it was like a switch had been flipped inside of him and he was just all the more attractive. His long legs, the gentle way he moved his hands, and, of course, his voice. Meiko sure was a lucky duck.
"I'm so excited for our duet," Kaito beamed. "Which dress will you wear, Mei?"
"Ooh, you should wear that little red one," I added. "You'd look so pretty."

Teto Territory: The Story of Teto
Fanfiction"The music in my mind had started, and it would never stop." Kasane Teto was born with one dream and one dream only: To sing and be able to make music with the Vocaloids. But she soon discovers her whole life is a lie- she can't sing, Hatusne Miku i...