The Doubters

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~Rin's POV~

Len and I were waiting outside Don's office with Sakine. She was very worried about Meiko, who was inside, probably getting lectured. I wanted to comfort her, but Len seemed pretty depressed himself so he wouldn't be able to help me. I'm not very good at comforting people.

She finally exited the office, and the three of us stood up. "Well? He's not kicking you out of the game, is he?" Sakine asked.

Meiko shook her head. "No, but they're cutting a lot of my songs... including my duet with Kaito..."

I gasped. "They can't do that! It's not fair!"

"They can do whatever Miku tells them they can do," she smiled weakly.

Next to me, Len sighed. "I can't believe I was so stupid. I should have never given in to her briberies."

"Don't worry, Len," Sakine put her hand on his shoulder and smiled. "I'm sure someday you'll find someone who really loves you for you."

Len looked up at her. "You really think so?"

"You don't need Miku anyways. She's a jerk," I added.

Meiko nodded. "I went through some pretty jerky guys before I met Kaito, so don't give up!"

By the time we got back to the studio, Luka had finished filming her song and everyone was wrapping it up for the day. Len saw Miku talking to Kaito and sighed. "Still not over it?" I asked.

"No," he admitted. "Even if she was lying to me, I still had some genuinely good times with her. I'm kind of sad it's over."

"You wouldn't want to stay with her even if you knew she was lying!"

He shrugged. "Maybe I would. It's not like I have any better."

"Len, no," I turned to him. "You don't need her. You never did. You have plenty of people who actually love you. Like me."

He looked at me. "But you always listened to her too."

"Because she always threatened my career and I didn't want to leave you here all alone with her."

"Rin..." his eyes widened. "I had no idea."

I hugged him. "Of course you didn't. You're such an idiot."

"Let's go home," he chuckled.

Miku limped over to us. "Len! Oh my gosh, I've been looking all over for you!" She leaned against his shoulder. "Where have you been? I need you to carry me to the car~"

"We were with Sakine, waiting for Meiko," the way he looked at her was different than usual. His eyes weren't yearning to please her.

"Well, I can't walk. So you have to carry me to the car." She pressed up against him, smirking.

I stepped forward. "He doesn't have to do anything."

"And you don't get to speak for him," she glared at me before wrapping her arms around his neck, her face close. "You love me, don't you?"

Len gently pried her arms off of him. "Sorry, Miku, but I've learned from my mistakes. Come on, Rin."

I felt like a million bucks when I grabbed his hand and we walked away from Miku, who was gaping in surprise. I don't think I'll ever forget it.

~Haku's POV~

"Hey, did you see what happened yesterday?" Neru shoved her phone in my face and I played the video. In it, Miku was talking to Len, and then Rin said something and then twins completely ditched her. I gasped. "I know, right? I can't believe the other Cryptonloids don't like her."

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