~Teto's POV~
Beep. Beep. Beep.
There was a machine nearby, I could hear it. I could also hear someone crying. But why? Why were they crying?
My eyes fluttered open and someone squeezed my hand. I hadn't even noticed someone was holding my hand. "Teto?" It was Ted.
I heard several other people in the background murmuring and whispering to each other. I tried to sit up, but there was something firm keeping me in place. So then I tried to speak, but all that came out was a terrible, scratchy noise that set my throat on fire.
"Do you wanna sit up? If you wanna sit up, squeeze my hand." I attempted to, but I found I was very weak. But I guess he felt it, because then I felt myself rising - he was adjusting the bed.
My vision was a bit blurry, but I realized that I was in a hospital. Wait. Why was I in a hospital? Last I remembered, it was my birthday, we were gonna eat cake, and then-
"Miku strangled you," said my brother. Oh, yeah. That explained why I couldn't move my neck.
Turns out Haku was the one crying, Neru and Rin sitting on either side of her. "I'm sorry we believed her! S-she said not to let anyone through, and then we heard screaming, and then your friends found out, and Miku called us good-for-nothings..." she hiccuped. "But we deserve it for helping her!"
"I just can't believe it's true," Momo said, looking at the ground. "Miku really is the bad guy."
I looked around at everyone. They were all here because they cared about me. Nobody was mad that I was the reason her career was gonna go downhill, nobody blamed it on me except myself. I felt awful.
Then there was a knock on the door. Everyone looked over and Don peeked his head into the room. "Oh my goodness, Teto, I am so sorry, I really had no idea that-"
"Stop," Charlotte stood up and walked him back into the hall. Everyone inside was completely silent, and we could hear her yelling. Don tried to defend himself, but it didn't sound like he was doing a very good job. The last thing Charlotte said, which I'm sure everyone in the building heard, was "I'll see you in court!"
Turns out Charlotte was serious, because three weeks later we all headed down to the courthouse to try and file a lawsuit against Hatsune Miku. My neck had healed significantly, I had gone from a large cast to a thin bandage, and my voice was mostly back to normal. I got lucky, the doctors said that I could've had serious brain damage. I hadn't been harmed too badly, and so I wasn't really thrilled that we were going to court because of me.
On the other hand, it wasn't just about me, it was about everyone else who had suffered from her actions too. Len, Rin, Luka, Kaito, Meiko, Sakine, Neru, Haku, and plenty others, I'm sure. In a way, this was bound to happen sooner or later. Miku had been skating on thin ice.
There she was, sitting near the front with her signature smirk on her face. "Morning, Fakeloid. How's your neck?" I stared at the ground, not wanting to answer. "Well?"
"...It's fine."
"Oh man, listen to you! Your voice is even worse than before!" She cackled. "You're funny, you know that? Real entertainment. Well, hey, I know you think you can get away with fining me for this, but there's no way. It's my word against yours, and besides, you don't have any proof."
"We'll see about that!" Momo was marching down the stairs, and she stopped and gave Miku a furious glare. Then she continued to tromp down to the front, pulling Uta behind her.

Teto Territory: The Story of Teto
Fanfiction"The music in my mind had started, and it would never stop." Kasane Teto was born with one dream and one dream only: To sing and be able to make music with the Vocaloids. But she soon discovers her whole life is a lie- she can't sing, Hatusne Miku i...