~Miku's POV~
"...and Teto's really cute, of course. Neru's good looking, but she spends too much time on her phone. I'd say Luka is my favorite, she's gorgeous!"
"What's that?" I whipped my head around and glared at Len, who was babbling on to a very bored-looking Rin. "Why are you talking about other girls, Len?"
He turned red. "M-Miku! I didn't realize you were sitting right there!"
"Why do you care, anyway?" Rin finally looked up. "It's not like you actually care about Len."
I made a face at her. "You're just jealous!"
"Of who? Len?" She snorted. "Certainly not."
I rolled my eyes. "You know, Lenny, just because this idiot is your sister, that doesn't mean you have to be nice to her."
"How dare you!" She jumped out of her chair and pointed at me. "Listen here, you little-"
I slapped a hand over her mouth. "I'm gonna stop you right there before you say something that costs you your job, Kagamine."
She pushed my hand away, looking to the ground.
"Heh," I turned to Len, who didn't really seem to know what to make out of all this, and I stroked his cheek. "I don't want you talking about another girl other than me, got it? You're mine~"
Rin scoffed, which earned her another death glare.
"Um, r-right," Len mumbled.
"Good." I giggled and kissed the tip of his nose before I began to walk away.
"H-Hey Miku?"
I stopped walking and turned my head. "Yes?"
"I love you."
I laughed to myself and grinned, "I love you too."
What a lie, and such a perfect one at that.
"Gather around, gang!" the game's director, whose name I didn't bother to remember, called out. I, of course, stood in the front of the crowd. "Before we start filming PVs, we'd like to shoot a couple extra outfits that aren't song-related. First up, swimsuits!"
I heard Len gasp in excitement, and then pain, because Rin had elbowed him in the ribs.
"Here, I have a picture of everyone's main swimsuit, of course, some of you will have more than one." Heh, that meant ME. He showed us the picture, and we all leaned in, trying to get a look.
Kaito and Meiko muttered to each other, as always, and I could hear that white-haired girl saying "why is mine so skimpy?"
"Fan service, Haku. Fan service." said her friend.
I snorted to myself. Get used to it, I thought.
Luka's voice rang out in my ears loud and clear. "Wow, Teto, yours is really cute!"
"Oh, yes!" Agreed the mini-Meiko.
I looked over. They were right, it was cute. So cute I decided to have a little fun with it.
I hadn't seen Teto since that incident at the Utau cottage, and I needed to show her that I wasn't done with her yet just because I was letting her in my game.
Before all those girls could get to their dressing room, I slipped in there. "Hey, Luka, I hope you're done using my brush, because I'm taking it back!" I yelled out the door. Their dressing room was surprisingly organized, they probably couldn't afford to be messy since space was so tight. I almost felt sympathetic, but then I remembered that I had a job to do, a game to play.

Teto Territory: The Story of Teto
Fanfiction"The music in my mind had started, and it would never stop." Kasane Teto was born with one dream and one dream only: To sing and be able to make music with the Vocaloids. But she soon discovers her whole life is a lie- she can't sing, Hatusne Miku i...