A/N: I thought up that name and I was like BRO YES even though is there is not really an alliance lol
but there is some violence so... yOu'Ve BeEn WaRnEd have fun cringing at this cringe :D
~Teto's POV~It happened overnight.
When I went to sleep, I was just Teto, that one girl who was a fake Vocaloid.
When I woke up, I was a pop star. An Internet sensation.
A singer.
Suddenly there were people left and right talking about me and to me, saying things like "Teto is a Vocaloid too!"
And for a while I really thought I was. I let it go to my head. I was in a daze, on top of the world.
But then she decided to bring me down again.
It was a couple days after my popularity rose, and I was still in a cheery mood from my great success.
I was chilling in my room, reading all the positive comments from my fans, when Charlotte opened the door. "Teto, you have a guest!" She then escorted me to the cottage's terrace in the backyard.
The teal-haired Vocaloid smirked when she saw me. "Teto! It's been awhile! How have you been?" She hugged me a bit too aggressively.
Charlotte smiled. "I'll leave you two to your business." No, don't leave me alone with her, I silently pleaded, but Charlotte couldn't hear my desperate thoughts.
As soon as the door was shut, Miku's expression changed completely. She gripped my arm, her nails leaving marks where they dug into my skin. "What do you think you're doing?" She yelled. "I've told you so many times to stay under the radar, and you never do!"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I backed away, realizing she was right. Whether I liked it or not, I was under her control.
"Sorry isn't gonna cut it," she growled. "This time, you're gonna pay for what you did!"
She screeched and charged at me and we tumbled to the ground, wrestling. She pinned me to the ground, beating and scratching recklessly while I yelled. It was as if we were wild animals.
She screamed insults at me while my arms scrambled, trying to push her off. "Get off! Leave me alone!"
Finally, I pushed her with so much force that she fell backwards and I fell with her, we had traded positions. She gasped for air, the wind must've been knocked out of her. I stared at her for a second, breathing heavily. I felt blood trickling down my arms and neck, my chest and ribs beaten and bruised. This is your chance, rip her to shreds, get even, said one part of my mind, the part that was completely filled with hatred for this girl. But my other, more compassionate side won and I didn't move an inch. I just couldn't bring myself to.
It was that moment Miku caught her breath and her eyes widened with anger. "That hurt!" She pushed me over with as much as she could and she would've started hitting me again if somebody hadn't flung the door open and ran over to us, grabbing a squirming Miku. "LEAVE HER ALONE!" I looked up to find Ted's growling face and inch away from Miku's.
"Put me down!" Miku was a lot shorter than him, and her feet weren't touching the ground. She began to kick him rapidly, but it had no effect on Ted.
He dropped her mercilessly and picked me up, ignoring that I was covered in sweat and blood. "You're both very lucky that everyone in that house is distracted by lunch, or your careers would be over."

Teto Territory: The Story of Teto
أدب الهواة"The music in my mind had started, and it would never stop." Kasane Teto was born with one dream and one dream only: To sing and be able to make music with the Vocaloids. But she soon discovers her whole life is a lie- she can't sing, Hatusne Miku i...