➺ Define Love {Muzan Kibutsuji}

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« Love is a beautiful kind of fear

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« Love is a beautiful kind of fear. »
In spring the trees that line the avenue are clothed in pink and white blossom. To see the boughs that were so bereft in the snow become so beautifully adorned lifts your spirits. Their scent becomes diffuse in the warming breeze. A festival that commemorates the blooming of the cherry blossoms was happening. You put on your black kimono that had golden silk flowers embroidered on it making it a dazzling view. It caught people's eyes when you went outside. At the end of the path, you could see your friends, Shinobu and Mitsuri, waiting for you.

"Mitsuri, Shinobu!" you yelled out gleefully, waving your hands. Shinobu and Mitsuri waved back.

"Finally you came out, what took you so long?" Shinobu furrowed her brows. They must've been waiting for a long time.

Before you could answer, Mitsuri started to impatiently pull on your sleeves and drag you down the street.

"Enough with the chit-chat, let's get going already!" Mitsuri happily dragged you and Shinobu down the dirt path that leads to the festival.

As you arrive there, you take notice of the beauty of the cherry blossom petals raining down on you. You felt happy and warm inside just watching the cherry blossom petals fall onto you. You continue walking not noticing where you were going and when you do, you find yourself lost in the crowd.

"Where am I?" Taking glances around, you decided you were lost.

You continue to walk down the road, but as you kept wandering around, the fewer people you saw around.

The air felt strangely heavy and you felt a suspicious presence approach you.

"Hey, hey, look at what I got here," shouted a man with a rough and husky voice. He approached you and licked his lip in anticipation. He radiated blood lust.

"It seems like I found a pretty young lady wondering by herself down this road"

You turn around and see a man towering over you. You felt a chill down your spine and froze.

"What's your name?" asked the man, but you kept silent, scared of what will happen.

He then grabs you by your neck and pins you against the nearest wall, drooling all over you as you trembled in fear and squeezed your eyes shut.

"I hope you taste good cause I'm starving!"

You scream as loud as you could, thinking "Is this really how I'm going to die? To a demon?"

You felt his hot breath on your face for a second but before he could bite you, the grip around your neck loosens and you fall onto the ground. Opening your eyes to a decapitated demon, you softly gasp.

"Weak, useless demon." Another man was holding the demons head, his face displaying disgust. He threw the head to the side before it dissolved into thin air.

He was tall and had a fedora over his wavy, black hair. He wore a black suit with white pants. He turned to you. You looked at his almond-shaped, plum red eyes that had cat-like slits. His face was unnaturally pale and white.

"T-thank you for saving me." You quietly mutter out, looking down to avoid his powerful gaze.

He kept his curious gaze on you. He didn't feel any fear radiating from you. Usually, if someone saw him rip another being's head off, they would cower in fear. But you were different.

"Why isn't she scared?"

As you got up, you finally realize that he was a demon. You sensed the aura coming from him, a powerful presence, a presence that no regular demon would radiate.

"Are you not afraid," he asked in a low voice. He was confused. He has never met a person who wasn't frightened of him. After all, he was a demon.

"What is your name?" He asked, keeping his gaze on you.

"[Y/N] [L/N], you?"

"Muzan... Kibutsuji." He replied plainly.

Kibutsuji... you felt like you heard of the name before but you just couldn't get it. You finally realize and widen your eyes in shock. Mitsuri and Shinobu had always talked about how Muzan Kibutsuji is the progenitor of all demons and possessed tremendous power. He was someone to be careful of.

"Why aren't you afraid of me," he harshly asked you again, his patience running low.

"Because you saved me."

"Just because I saved you, doesn't mean I won't eat you, aren't you afraid I will?" Muzan spits out coldly. The tension between you two tightens as he steps closer.

"I'm sure you're a nice person that won't eat me though," you warmly smiled. Muzan then felt something, he felt a warm pang in his chest, a feeling he has never felt. It felt unnatural to him. Was he sick? No, he couldn't be, it wasn't possible.

"Nice?" He thought. No one had ever called him "nice". And that smile, your smile made him feel relaxed. He felt like you were the answer to all his problems. What was this feeling? What kind of magic were you casting on him?

"Well, I better be off now before my friends start worrying!" You started to brush the dirt off your kimono and slowly began to walk back.

Muzan didn't want you to go. You were the first person to ever catch his attention. Actually, the first human that he had paid attention to in almost a hundred years. He wanted to know more about you. You were the first person he has ever met that didn't fear him. Instead, you had a gentle, comforting feeling. A feeling he'd never want to escape.

As you began to leave, he grabbed onto your wrist, staring intensely at you. His heart beating faster. Tha-thump Tha-thump. Your cheeks flush at the contact.

"Please don't go yet."

You looked at him with a confused face.

"Why does he not want me to go? I'm only a mere human. What would he want to do with a human?"

"Sorry Muzan, I'd love to stay around and talk with you, but I have to go, I don't want to worry my friends anymore" You gently placed your hand over his hand that he used to grab onto your wrist. His hands were cold like ice.

"Don't worry though, I'm sure we'll meet again soon"

You give him a reassuring squeeze before letting go of his hand and waved goodbye. You continue to skip down the dirt path that leads to the festival, before disappearing into the crowd.

Muzan looked at his hands. He liked the feeling of your hands. It was smooth and soft like silk; his hands never felt such warmth before.

"Why did I just grab onto her like that?" A worthless human, except you weren't worthless. He desperately wanted to see you again. With you around, he had this weird feeling. But he enjoyed that feeling.

"Have you ever been in love before, Lord Muzan?" Douma asked him. Muzan was busy experimenting with his blood until the tiresome Douma interrupted him.

"Why would I deal with such futile emotions. A busy person like me doesn't need to love. Love is useless and troublesome."

Maybe now it was time to explore the definition of love.


Well, that was fun to write! I hope you guys enjoyed it! 🥰

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