➺ Lost and Found {Douma}

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« A maze with no escape

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« A maze with no escape. »


"There she is!" You ran as fast as you could go through the deep snow. You hear dog growls and bark in the distance. They were catching onto you. You had to keep running, you wanted to live.

"I must live! I must live!"

The air was crisp, the cold licked at your face and crept under your clothes, spreading across your skin like the lacy tide on a frigid winter beach. With purple lips tinged with blue and gently chattering teeth, you wrapped your thin coat around yourself tighter. You keep running, spotting a faint light ahead of you. Going towards the directions of the light, you find a giant temple. You had no choice but to go inside to escape the chasers and the cold. Luckily the door was unlocked and you hear the faint sound of your chasers outside.

"Where'd she go?" The sound slowly faded as they continued to walk further away. Shivering, you sit down and hugged yourself tightly to warm yourself up. The temple was dark, it looked abandoned. When you were finished warming yourself up, you decided to take a look around.

The temple was humongous, you couldn't believe nobody lived here. "Ara-ara~~" you look behind, frightened of who said that. You see a tall man with pale golden blonde hair smiling at you.

"Look at what I got here~~" he cheerfully said, coming closer to you. He had unusual eyes, the colour of the rainbow.

"S-sorry for coming in uninvited..."

"Awww it's okay, what brings a cute little girl?"

You gulp at his question, should you trust him? You decide to tell him a half-truth.

"Well I was walking and it started to snow hard so when I saw this temple, I came inside..."

"Now, now, you know you can tell me the truth~," he said smiling, you felt uncomfortable and confused. How did he know you were lying so easily? And that smile, it felt so... uncertain.

"Ah! Excuse me for being so rude, I don't even know what's your name! I'm Douma"


"Such a beautiful name for a cute girl," he twirled your hair around with his fingers, what was he doing? You wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. This guy sounded like bad news.

"Um, I think I better get going, it was nice talking to you." As you try to open the door, it slams tightly shut.

"Now, now, you've just arrived... at least entertain me," you felt chills down your spine "Oh no."

Without a warning, he grabbed onto your shoulder and pulled you closer to him, sinking his sharp teeth into your shoulder. Searing fiery bursts pulsated around the wound, intensifying every time you screamed. You felt warm fluids drip down your shoulder, your life fluids draining away.

He kept biting deeper into you, to the point you felt lightheaded. "Please stop, I-I'll do anything! Just stop biting me!!"

He pulled away curiously at your statement. "Anything?" He looked at you with a smirk. You didn't like where this was going. He paced around the room, thinking of what he wants from you. You tried to stop the bleeding on your shoulder but it wouldn't stop. You suddenly took on a pale look as if you had been painted with white-wash - even your lips were barely there. Then with one step backwards you crumpled like a puppet suddenly released of their strings.

You woke up in a dim-lit room. "Where am I?" You touched your shoulder, feeling bandages wrapped around. "What just happened?" You remembered running away from some chasers and ending up at a temple. There you met Douma who tried to eat you. Your head throbbed. You steadily got up and went to the nearest window and looked out. Stars filled the sky like pale corn into freshly turned ground. It was the promise of life in the darkness, a sense of warmth springing from the cold. It was beautiful. You hear light footsteps approaching the door; a silhouette of a tall man. Without knocking, he came inside, sliding the doors open.

"Ooh, you're finally awake."

It was Douma. You felt uneasy again, you shifted around uncomfortably, averting his eye contact. He was creepy and dangerous. He came up to you, holding your chin towards him as you stare deep into his rainbow-coloured pupils.

"Look at me while talking," he broke into a smile, sensing your uneasiness.

"Your blood tasted soooooo good, I just wanted more," you stay still, not wanting to anger him any more. He took off your bandages and starting licking the dried blood off your shoulder. It felt ticklish.

"P-please ss-stop," closing your eyes tightly. You then feel a warm touch on your lip, opening your eyes, you find Doma's lip on yours. Flustered, you pushed him back, breaking the connection. He looked amused at your actions.

"Aw, I just love your cute little face." You turned around to face the wall, trying to avoid Douma.

"Now, that isn't the way you should treat someone who saved you," he grabbed your waist and hugged you from behind. You tried to push away his arms but it wouldn't budge. You just gave in and let him hug you. It didn't feel that bad.

"You first tried to eat me and then saved me??" He nested his head into your neck as you feel ticklish from his hair brushing against your neck. You were lost for words. How can a person be trying to eat and then start hugging you?

"You don't have anywhere to go, do you?" He asked

"Um, I have to go home..."

"Don't lie, you don't have a home or a family, they were all killed."

How did he know? Did he know the reason why? You had so many questions to ask him.

"Since you don't have anywhere to go, come stay with me."

"Stay with you?"

"It's not like you have anywhere to go, might as well stay here, indoors, away from the cold and with me, it's so boring all alone~~"

It was true you didn't have anywhere to go. Your home was burned to ashes and you were being chased. It might've been better to stay with Douma even if you didn't trust him. "Fine"

"Yay!!" He hugged you even tighter, you felt like you were going to explode, you couldn't breathe. Douma finally loosened his grip around you and stepped back, looking into your eyes.

"But you must do something for me in return for all this hospitality~"

You gulped.

"You're going to be mine and only mine."


uh, i don't know what i just wrote...but that's all right :)

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