➺ Priorities {Obanai Iguro}

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Requested by @ObanaiUme« No one hurts my family and lives

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Requested by @ObanaiUme
« No one hurts my family and lives. »
You met Obanai when you went to this training camp where he taught you skills and such. He was harsh and strict but that never brought you down, you were determined to show what you got! I guess that's how became interested in you. A girl standing at 5'0., pale-skinned and neat-eyebrows. You had golden-brown hair with a pair of unique pale-yellow eyes. It caught his attention. Even with your small build, you fought hard and strong, becoming one of the tops in the camp. Obanai was impressed with your skills, he liked people who met his expectations, you exceeded his expectations! Now that's an accomplishment.

As time passed, you got to know one another, confessing feelings for each other and started a family. Oh, that look when you told him that you were expecting, a face mixed with excitement, confusion and shock. You went on to have a baby girl and named her Misaki which meant beautiful bloom. Obanai was overjoyed to have two important people in his life now.

Present time ~
"Welcome home dear!" The door clicked as it shut behind Obanai, "Daddy!" Misaki ran up to him and hug his leg, he picked her up and hugged her back. "How was your day daddy?" Misaki asked as she petted gently touched Kaburamura as a greeting. "My day got even better now that I've hugged you," he said as Misaki giggled at his response. You come out of the kitchen to see your husband and hug him. He gave you a small peck on the lip. "Ewwwww!" Misaki squirmed in Obanai's grip, frowning at the sight. You chuckled and kissed her on the forehead. She giggles and squirms out of Obanai's grip, running into her room leaving you and Obanai together. He kisses you gently on the lip,

"How was work today?" You asked as you walk into the kitchen to set up the table for dinner.

"Just the usual..." he sipped his tea you placed down for him, "Dinner is ready, Misaki!" you holler out as the little girl runs into the kitchen and takes a seat beside her father. She shoves food in her mouth, "woah, woah, slow down Misaki, what's the rush?"

"I want to go outside with daddy and mommy after!" she said with her mouth full of food, she slows down but quickly finishes. After everyone was done eating and cleaning up, they went outside. The warm breeze blew through your hair, and the sun started setting, showing the orange and yellow ombré colours. Misaki tugs on your hand, "come on!" She runs ahead of you, you hold onto Obanai's hand and he tightens his grip, feeling the warmth of his hand.

It was getting darker and you could barely see Misaki. "Slow down Misaki!" you yell out as she disappears from your view. Oh no. The heavy fog comes in making it even worst. This was going to be a long search.

Misaki skipped down the road, not noticing where she went or where her parents were. She kept walking until she heard a flute playing in the distance, curious she approaches it. Misaki finds a man perched on top of a large boulder playing the flute, not noticing her. Misaki listened in awe, it was so attracting and she didn't know why she just kept going closer and closer. "Well, well, a little girl. What brings you out here in the dark" said the man in a soft voice. Misaki hesitated to answer, she knew she should not talk to strangers but she was lost and wanted to go home. "Um, well I got lost and can't find my parents anymore," she spoke in a quiet voice. The man got down from the boulder, he was unusually tall and had rare orange eyes. And then Misaki saw it. He had 4 arms instead of 2, which could only mean....he was a demon. She slowly backed away not wanting to run in case he would kill her for trying to run, but he grabbed onto her little arms and she screams.

You hear Misaki screams and break out into a sprint, Obanai quickly follows behind. You and Obanai travel through trees trying to locate your little girl. You stop when you see a tall, bulky, four-armed demon grabbing onto her. "Let go out her" you scream out with anger. You felt a mix of emotions, anger and fear. Angry at the demon for trying to attack your daughter and fear for her safety. As you were about to launch yourself at the demon, Obanai holds you back. "I'll take care of him, you save Misaki." You look down, afraid of what to do. He squeezes your arm in reassurance, you can only nod back in response. Obanai jumps down and ambushes the demon, punching the demon in the head. He didn't have his sword as he didn't expect to encounter a demon on a peaceful walk with his family. I guess it wasn't peaceful after all. The demon staggers back and clutches his head in pain, loosening the grip around Misaki. You jump down to get her but only to be smack away like a fly in the stomach by the demon's other arms, sending you flying into a tree with a THUD. "Y/N!" Obanai cries out, the demon catches him off guard and sends him flying into a tree too.

"That was so booooring" he looked down at Misaki and licks his lips. "Guess I'll have to devour you in front of your parents" He lifts his hand as he's about to cut Misaki with his long nails, but then you jump in between them and instead of him cutting Misaki, he cut a deep cut into your back. "GAHH!!" you yell out in pain. Obanai witnessed this all happening, he felt so useless not being able to protect you or Misaki. Having no choice other than to run, he quickly grabbed you and Misaki into his hands and ran as fast as he could out of the forest. He finally arrived on the dirt path and headed towards the butterfly estate in search of treatment. Obanai barged through the door of the estate, startling Shinobu and the others.

"My, my, Obanai, what happened?" She asked as she peered into his arm, seeing you soaked in blood, she quickly told her assistant to treat you. Obanai stood there feeling scared. "Are you gonna be alright?" he thought to himself. He felt a soft tug on his sleeves and looks down at Misaki. "Is mommy going to be alright?" she asked as he picked up he up and hugged her, holding her in his arms. "She's gonna be alright because your mommy is the strongest person I've ever met."

You woke up with a headache and sharp pain in your back. "Owwww..." Looking around, you realize you were in the recovery ward at the butterfly estate. You remember protecting your lovely daughter from getting killed...WAIT, MISAKI! You tried to get out of bed only to have your hand to be grabbed by another person's hand, turning around you see Obanai sitting on a chair next to your bed resting his head on your bed. He lifts his head and stares into your eyes. He looked like he didn't sleep for days. "Where do you think you're going?"

You hold onto his hand, "Is Misaki okay??" looking at him with eyes of worry. "She's fine, she's at home with Uzui." Uzui...was that a good idea to have him babysit? You breathe out, relief washed over you, Obanai suddenly pulls you into a tight hug. "I thought I almost lost you." You try to pull away but he held onto you tighter, "Dear, you're g-gonna squeeze me to d-death..." He finally let's go of you and holds both of your hands. "Go back to sleep, you need to rest, we're leaving when it's morning."

It finally morning, you felt better now. The pain didn't feel as bad and you could finally go home! As you walk through the front door of your house, you're greeted by Misaki's warm little hugs. "Welcome back mommy!" she hugs you around your legs, you pick her up and give her a little kiss on the cheek. Putting her down, you go to the nearby couch and lie down. Boy, were you more tired than usual. Your eyes slowly start closing and you fall into a deep slumber. When you wake up, you weren't on the couch anymore, but in bed! You feel warm hands around you, and a small body in front. You open your eyes to see Misaki in between you and Obanai sleeping. Obanai was also sleeping with his hands wrapped around you and Misaki's small body. It felt so nice. You gradually fall back to sleep in his warm arms, with your family.

ahhh i'm not sure if i portrayed him right...but i hope you still enjoyed it!

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