➺ Sweven {Muichiro Tokito}

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« Seek what sets your soul on fire

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« Seek what sets your soul on fire. »


Massive amounts of wind are both music and the dance-floor for the clouds... vagrant, white and puffy as they are - playing and teasing with other clouds and moving freely in the sky as if they own freedom itself. You loved the random sounds that came sailing in the breeze; the birdsong came so sweetly, almost tangible as if it were softly spun sugar. You would sit there upon the clouds that were your dreams until as the ones above are so prone to do, they condensed to form the random ideas that quench your mind. It was on those quiet days that ideas came as natural things do - from the sunshine, rain and earth.

"What are you doing?" You open your eyes and see Muichiro standing over you curiously. His figure blocked your view of the sky.

"I'm dreaming."

"About what?"

"I am sitting in a field of green wheat, the stalks bend lazily in the wind and I marvel at the grains. Each one is distinct and though different from the others, still perfectly formed. I run my hand along the edge to feel the combination of rough and smooth and then hold my face upward to feel the warm light of the midsummer day. The air smells just right and the birds fly in an almost cloudless sky. I start walking, the field goes on forever and after a while my feet become roots, digging into the soil." You lift your hand to the sky, palm facing upwards. The warm breeze tickled your neck as Muichiro gave you a puzzled look.

He walked over beside you and sat, legs outstretched on the warm and sun-scorched grass, leaning onto the tree behind you. "I want to dream too."

You gave him a lazy smile, "close your eyes. Listen to the sound of the wind whistling into your ear. Tune out the unnecessary noises and soak up the energy of the sun as you slowly drift off."

He followed your instruction, and before you knew it, the boy had nodded off. You turn to look at the sky once more. The blue sky, perfect protecting dome, that plays with the sunlight on these fine days, promises to be the canvass to our laughter. It is here, with head in the silky grass that time both stops and stretches to the infinite, the green and the blue showing each other's beauty in their contrast. As your consciousness ebbed, your mind went into free fall, swirling with the beautiful chaos of a new dream.

"[Y/N]. [Y/N]." You heard distant voices that slowly came nearer. Your eyes snap open to see the sunshine losing its brightness and the colours of the skies are softened. The heat of the day had been replaced by a cool breeze and the crickets begin to sing in the swaying grass. Muichiro stood in front of you with a small smile.

"I had a dream." He stated happily.

"What was it?"

"In the dream, the sky is blue, the birds sing and there was a bee on clover nearby. I could hear the streams run clear and- and I saw you. You were laughing and running around, while your [H/C] locks danced with the wind. For some reason, when I saw you, this part started to feel warm," he pointed to his chest where his heart was located. "And then, when I saw you smile at me I feel invisible hands wrapping around me making me feel safe. I don't understand."

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