➺ Forgotten but not Gone {Sanemi Shinazugawa}

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« It's hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember

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« It's hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember. »


"It's been a month now. Will she ever wake up?"

Those voices. It was the first thing that filled your empty head. Where am I? Your body felt frail, you try to lift a finger but it felt like lifting a ton. Just like those clouds, your insides felt like chaos.

"The hell you talking about? Of course, she will!"

Something was bothering you. Something was hurting you. Something ached inside you. Something felt so wrong, so invalid but you couldn't tell what. Why was your mind so empty?

"Hey, look! She's waking up!"

As you slowly lifted your heavy body, you saw three people standing around you. A tall, muscular male that flaunted his chest and had many scars covering his face and body, stared at you with his mouth slowly dropping open.

"[Y/N]!" He ran over to wrap his strong arms gently around your body. Your heartbeat accelerated at his touch. [Y/N]... so that's my name.

"Shinazugawa-san, I know you're very pleased that she woke up, but please refrain from any physical contact since she is still injured." A petite lady with hazy purple eyes informed the man. They all had such a familiar presence, yet, you couldn't remember who they were.

"How are you feeling [L/N]-san?"

Unsure of what to say, you bluntly spit out, "um who are you all?" Their eyes widen at your statement. After a small check-up, Shinobu found out that you had amnesia.

"It seems that she's experiencing amnesia since she hit her head hard on the ground when she fell," Shinobu says nonchalantly. So that's how you ended up here.

"Do you remember anything about the incident that happened?"

You try to remember something in your blank mind, yet you could not at that moment fathom what it could be.

"I- I can't remember anything. What happened to me?"

Shinobu furrowed her brows. "Well, you were out fighting demons until one of them slammed you into a tree. You hit your head pretty hard on the trunk which knocked you out unconscious and put you into a coma. You've been asleep for 1 month now."

Oh, so that's what happened to me. Shinobu decided it would be best for you to stay for an extra week just so she could easily change your bandages and check up on you. During the week, the man that went by the name 'Sanemi Shinazugawa', would always come by to check on you. You didn't understand why and what he was to you. He was a man of few words who asked about your day and how you were feeling before leaving. It was strange. One week passed and you were ready to leave. As you changed into your outdoor clothes, you realized, you didn't even remember where you lived. Luckily Sanemi came by again.

"Good morning Shinazugawa-san." You greeted every time he came by. Suddenly, he picked your luggage up and walked out the door.

"W-wait where are you taking my luggage?"

He turned around to face you and sneered. "Don't you remember you bonehead, you live with me."

Huh?! Do you live with him? What was your relationship with him?

"Hurry up or you'll be left behind." You scrambled around to follow his quick steps. Ivy and ferns grew through the crevices of the old winding stone path, which led directly to the colossal structure. The house was welcoming from the open door to the wide hallway. Upon the walls were the photographs of you and Sanemi, laughing. So we must've been good friends. He gently placed your luggage in a room before leaving the house

"I have some matters to take care of," Sanemi says before leaving you alone in the house. The smell of freshly baked cookies that wafted through the air, awakened memories long forgotten, echos of those long ago. A brief memory of you and Sanemi played.

"Sanemi! Don't eat the raw cookie dough!" You scolded, pulling the bowl away from him.

"It looks so good though, why can't I have just a bite?"

"If you eat it, you'll get sick and I'm not going to give you rubs on the stomach while you're in pain," you placed a fresh sheet of cookies onto the counter before placing the next tray into the oven.

"That's harsh," he grumbled as he grabbed a cookie from the freshly baked batch and popped it into his mouth.

As you're wake up to your flashback, you decided to check out the kitchen. The kitchen was clean but quite empty. There was a nice table for two and a big space to cook in. It seemed like the kitchen was the biggest room in the house. I must've enjoyed cooking.

Some time passed but you barely spoke to the cold man. He would leave early morning only to come back late at night, usually when you slept. One day, you decided to take a walk in the garden. The bonsai trees lined the perfect lawn in their wooden boxes. In the center, there was a pond as large as a small lake with flowering lily pads and a wooden bridge that crossed the middle so you could look down at the koi carp. The flower beds were a riot of May colour and even on close inspection, they were weed-free. It was well maintained.

You approached the biggest tree in the garden, a gentle smile graced your lips. This tree had a pleasant feeling, almost as if it stored many memories. The pleasant wind was like the music of old memories to you. You touched the tree, tracing a large mark that wrapped around.

"I'm going out," you heard Sanemi call out from the front. You looked at your fingers. There, you saw a gold ring on your left hand inscribed with a message. You squint to get a better look at the message which said: you are my today and all of tomorrow. So you were married to Sanemi.

Suddenly, you were hit with a sense of dizziness and sharp pain located in your head.

"I married you with my eyes and soul on that night in town. I married you with my heart and every future dream. I saw all of you, the joys and the sorrows, and I knew I was home." Sanemi smiled at you. His smile extended deep into your soul, so sweet and light.

As you snapped out of your pain, you had finally remembered everything. I remember everything! You quickly dash to the front to find the scarred man still there. You just up to hug him from behind which startles him. He slowly turns around to face you, confused at your sudden gesture.


"I remember everything Sanemi. I remember! I'm sorry for worrying you." You bury your face into his well-built back. He spins around to pull you into a deep hug while resting his head on yours. The hug was stronger than anything you've ever known as if holding you weren't quite enough. For there are times you were as a butterfly who yearns for the cocoon, to be safe within walls, protected.

You snuggled in, "you're the only person I know that gives indefinite hugs."

"I'll always love you like it's the beginning," he chuckled as he planted many kisses all over you.

Sometimes, when one person is missing, our whole world seems meaningless. It was what Sanemi felt when he found out you lost your memory. All those memories you created with him just disappeared within you. He distanced himself from you, just so you couldn't see him hurting. He didn't want you to see him in a weakened state. When you told him that you remembered everything, his insides felt the warmth he had missed. Those months when you were in a coma pained him, mentally and emotionally. Seeing your unconscious form was enough for him to forget about himself. But alas, it's hard to forget someone who had given you so much to remember. When it's cold outside, our memories keep us warm.


kinda short, sorry

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