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"What's 1000-7?"

Hacking, coughing and the occasional sound of a sickening crack bounces through the thick walls of the rather large room. Blood pooled and dripped over into a vast sea beneath a certain male's shackled feet.

It has been roughly three whole hours since he'd met Yamori - Jason, if you will. Three antagonizing hours of every single toe and every single finger, clipped off and regrowing, only to be gone with again. Within the course of that time, it's surprising to see that the ravenette hadn't passed out yet - although he's not sure if that would be for better or for worse.

It's already bad enough that Jason didn't seem to show any sign of stopping either, seemingly enjoying himself with every pained shout that ripped out of Kaneki's parched throat.

But even so, he still wasn't satisfied.

So when he walks back into the room, thumb and forefinger delicately wrapped onto something - something wiggling - hovering it dangerously close to Kaneki's ear lobe, the teen had nothing else more than to hope his screams were enough to fill Jason's craving.

They weren't.

"Bastards left without me!" Hide cursed, paddling his bike full speed ahead towards what he hopes to be the right direction, the cold breeze continuously biting at his skin like a bad omen.

After a heated argument about wether he'd join them in the rescue mission or not, it was clear Hide had no intention of staying behind, no matter how dangerous it would be for a human like him.

So Touka took it in her liberty to knock him out with a sharp punch.

He'd only waken up maybe an hour after the others have left, and frankly enough, he was pissed. Within the span of five minutes he'd manage to borrow a passerby's bicycle and maneuvered his way through the path, remembering little snippets of the strategizing and keeping his mind clear enough to figure out which way he should go.

Hide realizes  he'd taken a wrong turn when he stops by a dead end cliff slightly overlooking the building before him. The sound of gunshots become clear, along with the sight of over 50 CCG soldiers and various means of transportation (mostly motorcycles) menacingly looming against the front door of the seemingly abandoned structure.

"Fucking great, the CCG's here too." Hide curses to himself, eyes scanning the area once more for Touka and the others - which doesn't take long with the help of his binoculars as he finds a cluster of shadows moving underneath a hidden wing of the building. Instinctively, he starts to feel much more vulnerable in his position, so the male jumps over the barricade and quietly rolls himself down the hill, trying his absolute best to not get caught. He lands behind a bush in an area where he could clearly see the CCG and how a young teen with white hair just slams into the building using a motorcycle and chaos ensues.

"Okay, now how do i get in there without getting-" Hide jumps at the sudden sound beside him, his whole body on edge as he stares wearily to his right where another bush was seemingly shivering.  He rolls up his sleeves and stretches his arms a little bit, preparing himself for whatever lies beyond and praying to every God out there that it isn't something that could kill him. He slowly approaches it with caution, hand swiping over the leaves to reveal-

"Please don't hurt me! I can't die! I-I-I have a family so please I-!"

It was a member of the CCG's military force, hunched down, begging for his life.

The sounds of guns, bombs and the screams of agony hung in the air as the man looks up in surprise when he meets the face of a young passerby and shame overtook his features for a second.

守りたい  // hidekaneWhere stories live. Discover now