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Hide tunes the voice of his superior out, the blood pumping in his ears becoming deafeningly loud as the space between the left leg of the desk and the chair piques his interest out of the blue.

It's starting to get hard to breathe.

Amon pauses from his explanation, having already known that Hide had zoned out minutes ago yet he still droned on, brows furrowed once he realizes that his subordinate had completely paled, looking like he's about to throw up on the floor. He frowns, placing a hand on Hide's shoulder as an attempt to calm him down, "Hey, it's fine, you're an intern, they'll probably leave you out of the front lines and have you work with the observers." Though that wasn't what Hide was worried about in the slightest, it's not like he could tell Amon otherwise.

The blond blinks, barely even hearing the other's words, but he smiles and tries to remove the obvious tension in his body. He knows it's enough, because the taller male drops his hand and sighs in relief.

Hide grins apologetically in return, "Sorry, The Owl just sounded kinda scary. Doesn't seem like a guy that I'd take out for coffee, you know?"

The blond drawls in a sharp breath, sweat dripping down his chin, feeling a little bit lightheaded for paddling nonstop around certain areas, trying to remember the places he'd seen the male had routinely checked around, since he is Anteiku's brawn after all. He knows he can't directly come to Anteiku and tell the others, given that they aren't the manager (because he knows they wouldn't handle it well, especially Touka) and much to his luck Yoshimura had some business to attend to. So who's next in line?

"Yomo-san!" Hide calls out the moment he lands eyes on the man's intimidating stature, wandering about some alleyway, probably checking for crooks and whatnot.

Yomo merely stares at him, confused, because they haven't really talked and the only reason he knows that the teen isn't a potential threat is because he's heard a few stories about him from Kaneki himself, not to mention that Hide is literally the eyepatch ghoul's best friend. "What is it?"

Before Hide replies he manages to catch the tiny bit of hesitance and reminds himself that Yomo was the first to find out that he'd taken up a part-time job at CCG, albeit accidentally (Hide wasn't planning on anyone knowing), and he'd known that Yomo had told the others when Touka stopped entertaining him whenever he stopped by at Anteiku. It took a lot of excruciating efforts to restore their trust in him, but he's not to say that he didn't deserve it. So he's not surprised that the ghoul is a little bit wary about him.

He smiles in what hopes to be assurance, "I kind of need to talk to you...It's pretty important."

"Alright. Come with me."

Hide is led to what seems to be Yomo's apartment. It's in a simple complex, the neighborhood isn't uneasily sketchy, and he could see why the stoic ghoul picked such a place to live in. "Nice place." He grins, lively, and Yomo only gives him a nod.

"What is it you want to talk about, Nagachika?"

Hide sighs, alright, here we go. "The CCG....."

And he tells Yomo everything, whose expression doesn't give much away, but it's obvious he isn't particularly happy about what he's hearing— then again, who would be?

"I'm sorry it's on such short notice, I came looking for you as soon as I heard the news since I knew you'd be able to at least take it."

"It's okay. Thank you for coming right away." Brief response, but it's alright because Hide knows it's a lot to take in.

"So...what are you guys going to do?"

"I'm going to have to tell the manager first."

"Is Anteiku going to be okay?" Hide frowns a little, the last thing he wanted was to have the place Kaneki could consider to call home to end up in shambles.

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