The next day I talk to Johnny, and he tells me something that I couldn't bare to hear. "We have to go back to school now, right now." I don't understand. "What? Why?" He tells me, "Because, no one destroyed the brain, so if he made it," I slapped him across the face. "What was that for?" I yelled at him, "Because you didn't tell anybody." I thought for a minute. "And if he didn't make it." He shrugs, "There is a possibility that another group found him." I nod. Then go find Alyssa.
"Hey, wanna go to the school with me?" She looks at me. "Why?" Why why why, can't I ever just get a yes. "Because, we need medical supplies." She nods. We load into the cars.
When we get there we look at the windows and cars we destroyed so many years ago. It's sad actually. We go through the main doors because it's a straight shot to the nurses office. We slowly walk down the dark corridor to the nurses door. It's dark there too. We open the door and turn our flash lights on. I dig through the desk, and suggest that Alyssa go to the cafeteria to find food, or survivors, or something. She agrees then wanders down the hall. I find a somewhat full bottle of water and a couple bottles of pills then head down to find Alyssa.
I hate the cafeteria, brings back to many memories. Not just of Carter, but of when we were held up as hostages. I stalk into the cafeteria to find nothing. I start back down to find Olivia when someone grabs my shoulder. *gasp*

All Alone
Horror"I don't like you." "Then why did you save me?" "Because I didn't want your blood on my hands."