Alyssa's Baby

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We pulled over at a gas station, I found a pistol. The sucky part is, I don't know how to shoot one, so I gave it to Alyssa. Her and Shawn went to find food, and John and I went to find gas.
After about 20 mins, we met up, Alyssa was carrying a basket. I whisper to John, "Looks like we're eating good tonight!" He smiles. I run up to her. "You guys find anything?" Shawn looks mad. "Alyssa found something." She pulls a baby out of the basket. "Oh my god." Shawn said, "I told her to leave it behind." Alyssa defended the infant. "I won't leave it behind, it'll die!" "And it'll die with us too!" Shawn just doesn't know when to quit. "Ok that's enough, Alyssa, will u take care of the baby?" She nods. "Then Shawn, it's none of your business." He mumbles something then walks away. Alyssa was happy though. I haven't seen her this happy in a long time. I still don't know what happened exactly at the cafeteria but it darkened her, so it was good to see her happy.

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